Psychic Readings
Numerology Makes A Difference:
The intuitive power of numbers unlock the universe’s energy.
Numerology is all about learning the spiritual qualities of letters and numbers. It is the art of how digits can resonate with the vibration of your life, love and fortune.
Through numbers, we see the divine world connecting with the earthly realm.
What's best about numerology is that it is not based on a particular theory or idea. Numerology embraces a wide range of beliefs and principles. Knowledge through numbers can be as large and lovely as the universe itself.
For some, this leaves somewhat of a grey area. Numerology, especially with laypeople, can be easily misunderstood. Some believe that significant numbers remain fixed throughout life, never changing. They believe a number is "assigned" to you at birth, and it never fades in importance.
Many hands hold your destiny—numbers, stars and ourselves. Our gifted Psychics have your FREE* Numerology Reading. Call 1-800-2-ASK-NOW now!
It may seem easy to believe that—especially with things like Life-Path and Pinnacle numbers. They are the critical numbers based upon family name and date of birth. After all, you can't change your birthday. Yes, a few numbers based on major events in your life cannot change—but not all.
Simply put, life is too complex for just one set of numbers. Yours is an extraordinary journey, filled with the energy and capacity for unbelievable joy, wealth and happiness. Numbers can be a vital part of that journey. How does numerology vary with the ebb and flow of life? Keep in mind, reading numbers is a dynamic art form, not something stiff and inflexible.
Unlock the energy of the universe. Don’t miss your FREE* Numerology Reading; call 1-800-2-ASK-NOW now!
You can make numerology a living, breathing part of your daily life. Embrace the power of numbers in every area of your everyday routine, starting now! Some of the ways to incorporate the universal power of numbers into your life:
Birth Names: when choosing a name for a new baby, use cosmic vibrations to decide on the perfect name, one that compliments the delivery date. For birth names, always choose the strongest number—it gives the new baby a healthy start in life.
Name Changes: As a rule, name changes do not affect your primary Life-Path number—the one based on birth date. On the other hand, marriage or legal name changes can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen your positive numbers, and add to your chances of success.
Make sense of your love and money destiny. We’ve reserved a FREE* Psychic Numerology Reading for you. Call 1-800-2-ASK-NOW now!
When making a decision, such as a meaningful name change—monumental crossroads in your life—never do it alone. Always consult a skilled and understanding numerologist. They have wisdom and experience, all to help you get the numbers that add up to your destiny!
*With the purchase of an introductory package.