Life Coach
You Are What You Think
Through mindfulness of our psychic selves—we can change negative thoughts into positive habits. It all starts with a simple act—a daily gratitude list! We have all heard "you are what you eat." The same rule holds true for your thoughts.
It is necessary to reach a balance between thoughts and your psychic energy, just like a balanced diet.
A person's every thought creates a psychic pattern. And that psychic pattern eventually develops into our actions, which repeated over time becomes a habit. If you have a habit of negativity, to change you must start by rethinking the way you think. It is developing this pattern of psychic energy that carries you into a healthier lifestyle.
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Although changing your thoughts sounds like a simple idea, it's not quite as simple as it seems. Most people are doers—usually without thinking. Most people just act without planning—or thinking a problem through. Most often, we are not aware of the habitual pattern of our thinking and what motivates us. It is through mindfulness that we can change our psychic energy for the better!
Before a person can change a habit and be successful at it long term, they must change their attitude to incorporate a new habit pattern. Simply changing the way you psychically perceive something can change the way you emotionally feel about it. A prime example is a person trying to lose weight. If someone wants to lose weight to attract that new guy that moved in three doors down…if the guy shows up one day with another woman, the motivation will be gone and so will the new habit of trying to eat better and exercise.
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However, if the motivation is—for example—losing weight to create a healthier lifestyle, it will be easier to create successful long-term plans. Psychic energy can be easier to change when you are motivated for a better life—instead of less loftier goals like short-term happiness. To relieve negative thoughts, behaviors or habits, you must be willing and open minded to change your mindset and commit to it. Incorporating a look at the "bigger picture," as in a professional Tarot or psychic reading, can be another way to help you learn how mindset affects shaping behavior.
This is not as simple as standing in front of a mirror for five minutes a day, simply repeating positive affirmations. That does not work and does nothing to truly change your psychic energy. You need to first admit to yourself that you have negative thought patterns.Most of us will easily admit that we are not perfect; however, few people are truly willing to admit flaws in their psychic selves. Understanding the negative thought behavior that's pulling negative energy into you and affecting the truly wonderful person you are—emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually—can make a profound difference in your life.
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There are many ways to work on negative thinking habits, but the simplest one to begin with is a gratitude list. The things in your life for which you are grateful—in your mind and in your psychic self. Many of us take all the wonderful things in our lives for granted. Each night—before you go to bed—try a little psychic exercise. Write down as many things that you are grateful for over the course of that day. At first, it may be difficult to find things to be grateful about, but with practice you will find them—without even consciously thinking about it!
You will soon be listing pages of things worthy of your gratitude. Talk with your psychic advisor—they are experts in recognizing the good in your life. One of the signs of a skillful psychic or Tarot reader is in their ability to see the worthy things in your life—and how to achieve them! Each day that you practice the art of writing a gratitude list you will find the positive psychic energy around you will grow. This one simple act—performed daily—will have a profound effect on your health, attitude, emotional wellbeing and psychic healing. A grateful heart is a positive heart.
*With the purchase of an introductory package.