Your Discount Package

20 Top Rated Minutes for $20

PLUS 5 FREE Elite/Master minutes

Your Cost$20.00

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: We're committed to your positive experience. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll make it right.

Unused minutes stay in your account for future use, giving you the flexibility to connect whenever you need guidance.

After payment, click "Call," and you'll receive a call from one of our advisors at a toll-free number. Your session will then begin.

Enjoy your reading!

Package minutes for Top Rated advisors are valid for one year. Discount and free Master minutes expire in 30 days—one intro package per new customer. Additional minutes vary by advisor.

Additional Info

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed: We're committed to your positive experience. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll make it right.

Unused minutes stay in your account for future use, giving you the flexibility to connect whenever you need guidance.

After payment, click "Call," and you'll receive a call from one of our advisors at a toll-free number. Your session will then begin.

Enjoy your reading!

Package minutes for Top Rated advisors are valid for one year. Discount and free Master minutes expire in 30 days—one intro package per new customer. Additional minutes vary by advisor.

1. Let's Create Your Account


Please enter your birth date to confirm you are 18+.

2. Contact Information

Please create a 4-digit PIN number for logging in and purchasing minutes.

3. Billing Information

Expiration Date