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Angels & Spirits Articles

Famous Angel Sightings

Famous Angel Sightings

Angels are always around us and will make their presence known when they have a message to convey from the heaven. There are countless stories of angel sightings in people’s everyday lives. What is more uncommon is to hear of angel sightings that are connected to historical events. Angels are often charged with bringing messages of warning or comfort and these messages are often vital in times of extreme events that have the power to transform history.

These are not the stories of angels in human form in ways that make your life a little bit easier. These dramatic angel sightings are one way that we can understand heavenly beings are with us even when we find our faith most challenged.

The Mons Angel—World War I was a time when many people had to face unbelievable horror on a grand scaled never before realized. Advancements in technology led to innovations in transportation and weapons that led to new horrors on the battlefield. One of the most famous angel sightings, experienced by countless men happened at the Battle of Mons in August of 1914. The battle occurred in France where the German troops vastly outnumbered the British troops who were suffering heavy casualties. Nevertheless the British were able to meet the advancing Germans and cause them to retreat.

After the battle many soldiers began to report angelic visions that helped them turn the tide at decisive moments in the battle. Some reported seeing St. George accompanied by medieval archers. There was even a historical account that German soldiers had been found with arrow wounds. This helped strengthen the story of the warrior angels of Mons.

Field of Angels in Shanksville, PA—Seasoned FBI officer Lillie Leonardi first arrived on the scene of the United Airlines Flight 93 only three hours after the plane went down on 9-11. She recounts going over the bluff and seeing the site of the crash in the now hallowed field. Her version begins with her initial assessment of the scene, including the smells and the scorched trees in the background. As she processed what she was seeing she noticed a blinding light that turned into a white mist that began to swirl and eventually revealed columns of archangels with their wings reaching to the sky.

With her background of being a police officer and FBI agent, it was difficult for her to share her experience. After struggling with PTSD, like so many other first responders on that day, Lillie Leonardi began to share her experience and eventually wrote a memoir titled, “In the Shadow of a Badge: A Spiritual Memoir”.

Since writing her memoir, Lillie has shared that she’s not always sure why she was chosen to receive this message. She kept her vision quiet for many years and was concerned how her coworkers would react to this story. Now that her story has gone public, her former supervisor lends his support to her account of the story and won’t discount her story.

Take these stories of angel sightings with you throughout your day as a reminder that angels are always there to protect and give you comfort even during tragic events when you are filled with fear.

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