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Friends can be more than partners for good times and giggles -- they can be the greatest teachers you will ever meet in your life. But to learn their lessons, you have to listen without getting defensive. Remember that when someone you trust offers you some honest (if a bit painful) advice today. Upon hearing what they have to say, don't get defensive and tell them to mind their own business. Hear them out.
On Monday, you and you-know-who are skipping around on top of an enormous chocolate cake, swiping your fingers through the frosting, feeding it to each other. Possibly this is all taking place in your imagination. In any case, the romantic theme that dominates Monday does not last very far into the week. It barely lasts into Tuesday. Wednesday is strictly a taking-care-of-business day, and Thursday and Friday are, well, more of the same. And while you like taking care of business and all, the freedom of the weekend is supremely satisfying this week.
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15 17 34 45 51 57
Has the travel bug bitten you? While the Moon passes though Sagittarius, the itch to travel needs scratching. Sagittarius’ influence also may bring about a feeling of idealism, or a sense of discontinuity, restlessness, desire for sports and adventures, and a love of change and motion. With Sagittarius being ruled by expansive Jupiter, people will be warm and friendly, and likely feel impulsive, whimsical, intuitive, and easily enthusiastic. However, they may also have a strong need for independence and feel unable to endure restrictions. It is a good time for more erudite or academic affairs, for dealing with institutions of learning, or for promoting our ideas through publishing, lecturing, or writing. The Moon in Sagittarius brings a philosophical influence and stimulates our higher aspirations for self-improvement. Sagittarius rules the thighs and the hips.
The fruits of your labor are now realized. There is a feeling of empowerment and completion during this Moon Phase. The opportunity opens to recognize how far you’ve come in myriad aspects of your life. This is not a good time for new beginnings, but rather to reflect, to evaluate how you have been managing your time and what has been accomplished. Issues of authority may arise. This Moon Phase supports taking responsibility and tying up any unfinished business.
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