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Daily Horoscope



March 21 - April 19

  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Color: Red
  • Stone: Diamond

Fri, 2/21

A person from your past might be holding you back from enjoying your present -- or rather, the memories of this person are keeping you from moving forward. Are you stuck in the past? Yes, it's important to understand how old relationships or old choices can affect you today, but you could run the risk of getting stuck in nostalgia. Not much can get done when all you do is compare your current life to the life you used to have. Put away the photo albums and decide to live your life walking forward.

Week of Mon, 2/17 to Sun, 2/23

This person wants to say something, but you have no idea how to make them comfortable enough to say it. Obviously, you're hoping they'll say they're madly in love with you but insanely shy. How cute would that be? Alternately, they could feel the other way. Alternately, they could be Batman. You just have no idea. Engage them intellectually on Wednesday and you might have one of those wandering conversations you can then steer into whatever territory you like. By Thursday, it will be too late: All communication will be shot for about 48 hours. Your phone starts ringing again this weekend.

Your Lucky Numbers for Today are:

14 23 50 51 52 57

Your Lucky Numbers for the Week of Mon, 2/17 to Sun, 2/23

6 14 15 52 57 58

Today's Feelings

How's your day going? Scale of 1 to 5, 5 being best.







Today's Compatible Sign for Friendship


Today's Compatible Sign for Love

Lunar Sign


Lunar Sign:

Has the travel bug bitten you? While the Moon passes though Sagittarius, the itch to travel needs scratching. Sagittarius’ influence also may bring about a feeling of idealism, or a sense of discontinuity, restlessness, desire for sports and adventures, and a love of change and motion. With Sagittarius being ruled by expansive Jupiter, people will be warm and friendly, and likely feel impulsive, whimsical, intuitive, and easily enthusiastic. However, they may also have a strong need for independence and feel unable to endure restrictions. It is a good time for more erudite or academic affairs, for dealing with institutions of learning, or for promoting our ideas through publishing, lecturing, or writing. The Moon in Sagittarius brings a philosophical influence and stimulates our higher aspirations for self-improvement. Sagittarius rules the thighs and the hips.

Lunar Phase

Last Quarter

Lunar Phase:
Last Quarter

The fruits of your labor are now realized. There is a feeling of empowerment and completion during this Moon Phase. The opportunity opens to recognize how far you’ve come in myriad aspects of your life. This is not a good time for new beginnings, but rather to reflect, to evaluate how you have been managing your time and what has been accomplished. Issues of authority may arise. This Moon Phase supports taking responsibility and tying up any unfinished business.

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