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You're just dying to tell someone about a special secret -- one you've been keeping to yourself for weeks. You don't feel comfortable talking about it to just anyone -- even though that grin you've been wearing has probably helped more than a few folks to figure it out. This secret can only be entrusted to someone you know will take it to their grave, unless you give them the green light. Choose carefully, but do choose. You can only hold onto this for so long.
This week is crammed with romance. On Monday, the romantic business you have to attend to is less of the skipping-through-puddles-together variety and more of the let's-sit-down-and-talk-this-through variety, but that's okay. You don't mind talking things through. Tuesday and Wednesday are pure beauty -- suddenly, talking things through just seems to belabor everything. Thursday and Friday, words come easily again. Find someplace with a view and wander down whatever conversational alley presents itself. This weekend, emotions are high.
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Intermittent vibrations of Saturn are emphasized when the Moon is in Capricorn, bringing forth the principle of contraction following Jupiter's expansive influence in Sagittarius. A lessening of the urgency towards Spiritual and intellectual interests is experienced. This is a materialistic time, with an awareness of personal comfort, work and duty. While pursuing status and financial security, people might become insensitive, even unsympathetically cruel, but from necessity rather than animosity. The Saturn influence of Capricorn causes pessimism or negativity to creep in. Remember that Capricorn energy is sluggish. It is a time for diligently applying yourself to tasks while living solely in the present. Capricorn rules the knees, teeth, bones and skin.
The fruits of your labor are now realized. There is a feeling of empowerment and completion during this Moon Phase. The opportunity opens to recognize how far you’ve come in myriad aspects of your life. This is not a good time for new beginnings, but rather to reflect, to evaluate how you have been managing your time and what has been accomplished. Issues of authority may arise. This Moon Phase supports taking responsibility and tying up any unfinished business.
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