Five Things You Didn't Know About Angels

Angels are supernatural spiritual beings that have essential roles in several religions around the world. Angels are known as either attendants and messengers of a higher god. In the Christian tradition, these beings are of exceptional beauty and have large bird-like wings. However, these depictions aren’t the only type of angels, and what we know about their origins and purpose might only be scratching at the surface. Read on for five interesting facts that you may not have known about angels!
1. There Is an Angel Science
Believe it or not, the study of angels has its scientific name and field of study—angelology! While the study of faith or the divine is referred to as theology, angelology focuses on angels, their orders, and their functions within a given religion. There is much to research on the subject—in Christianity alone; there are three specific orders and nine types of angels.
2. There Are Different Kinds of Angels
As we just learned, there are nine types of recorded angels in three orders in Christianity. Despite the eligion, angels are typically ranked in a hierarchy. In Christianity, the highest order contains the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. We probably know cherubim best—they are human-like with large, white wings. In Islam, the cherubim are the closest to God. The secondary order features dominions, virtues, and powers. The lowest order encompasses principalities, archangels, and angels. For example, a famous archangel is Gabriel. In Hebrew traditions, Gabriel’s role is that of a revealer for Daniel’s visions. Each tier and kind of angel is unique and carries individual mythology.
3. Lucifer Is an Angel
Yes, you read that right. Lucifer is a fallen angel, to be exact. In Christian traditions, Lucifer was once a glorified angel and older brother of Jesus Christ. Lucifer fell from heaven when he betrayed Jesus to establish a kingdom apart from God. In doing this, souls were taken from heaven and trapped in a material world of matter. The etymology of Lucifer means “shining one” or “morning star.”
4. Angel and Human Hybrids Are Known as Nephilim
Nephilim are mysterious beings primarily seen in Hebrew traditions. Nephilim are large and strong and are the superhuman offspring of humans and angels. Loosely translated to “giants” and also “the fallen ones,” many traditions describe the Nephilim as sinners that are ripe for judgment in the eyes of God.
5. Goosebumps, Coins, and Feathers—Guardian Angels Are Known for Their Signs
The next time you come across a coin, a feather, or get a case of goosebumps—remember that our guardian angels may be trying to communicate with us. Aside from religious mythology, angels can play a significant role in our lives as protectors, guardians, or guides. So be ready to interpret anything that may seem symbolic, out of the ordinary, or attention-grabbing. The relationship with your guardian angel is unique, and signs may vary but remember to pay attention and to what messages they offer.
A staple in mythology, religion, and our everyday lives, angels are more complex than you ever would have thought! So, what did you learn about angels today? What is yours trying to tell you?