Five Things You Didn't Know About Spirit Guides

Most of us experience protection and guidance from our “guardian angels.” Spirits that are with us through the good, the bad, and the ugly offer their divine wisdom to aid us in moving forward in our world. Whether you have a solid relationship with your spirit guide(s) or want to establish one—there are many things you should learn first. Read on to find some essential facts about spirit guides that will help you become more confident working alongside yours!
1) There Are Many Forms of “spirit”
The spiritual realm does not have as many boundaries as the reality that we all share. Spirit can take many forms with varying energy and power. Along with guardian angels, several other types of guides serve different purposes:
Archangels: These guides embody leaders in the angel realm. Archangels have extensive energy profiles and can assist many humans at once if they are sensitive to their specific energy.
Spirit Animals: Not all energy is in human form. An animal's essence and spirit could hold lessons for you and your earthly manifestation.
Deceased Loved Ones: There are several beautiful synchronicities in our lives. Sometimes we are put in each other's lives intimately for specific reasons—such as divine guidance.
2) Ascended Masters: Some Are Predestined to Ascend as Spiritual Guides
There are figures in our long history put to spiritual guidance work in human form. Spiritual healers, guides, and truth-sayers can exist alongside us before “ascending.” Some of the more well-known ascended masters are Confucius, Mother Mary, and St. Germain. These masters make their presence known to us through their knowledge and teachings meant to encourage growth and spiritual empowerment within those around them.
3) Not All Spirit Is Either Human or Animal
Elemental spirits exist to maintain the secret knowledge and wisdom of the earth. Natural cycles of the earth, air, fire, and water are all available to work with in spiritual matters. These energies contain potent vibrations that many of us can communicate with and receive in our practice.
4) Spirit Guides Are There Even If You Can't “access” Them
There is no one right way to interact with your spirit guides. Some have the false notion that a direct line of communication needs to be maintained to have a solid connection to spirit. However, no matter how “involved” your spirit guide may seem in your life, your guides are always watching. Spirit guides can “speak” to you in your dreams and also manifest signs and symbols in both your conscious and unconscious world. So don't fret if you feel you are not getting concrete communication; your guides are with you for the long haul and were with you before you even knew it!
5) You Already Have a Higher Self, and It Is an Essential Guide
Spirit guides generally give you the sense that all of your guidance comes from something outside of yourself. An essential part of the journey to connecting with your guides requires the understanding that you always have access to your spirit. Embrace your sense of intuition and trust it. Sometimes the most powerful tool is already within you.
What did you learn that will help you embrace and work with all spirits around and within you?