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Angels & Spirits Articles

How to Help a Ghost Move On

How to Help a Ghost Move On

There is a thrill to communicating with those from beyond. Maybe a benevolent spirit leaves you encouraging messages or signs for your future. However, what is thrilling can turn into something downright horrifying if a ghost or spirit decides to take up a more permanent residence in your space. If you find that you are attracting a particular spirit and would like to help this energy move on, there are simple steps you can take. But beware—there are rituals out there that may anger or upset a spirit or even strengthen their attraction to you if not done correctly. Read on to learn where to start to cleanse your space of a draining spirit.

Step One: Is It Paranormal?

Okay, this may seem simple, but often you might be dealing with something that can be explained away by simple physics, a loud neighbor, or a pest. Before you get into expelling a spirit, you want to be sure you know what you are dealing with. Suppose you still feel like dealing with something otherworldly after you documented your experiences and investigated every possible cause. In that case, you may move on to the next step of your cleansing journey.

Step Two: Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse

Whether or not you are dealing with lingering spirits, cleansing your space is always a critical practice to leave you connected and protected. Burning sage, or smudging, is an excellent first step to your cleansing process. Sage is an ancient spiritual tool used to cleanse energy without overtly offending spirits. Pay attention to corners, as these are familiar places for energies to manifest.

If you feel the spirit is not responding to sage, you can amp up your approach by laying salt to communicate a boundary. Crystals and other specific religious talismans can also share that you ask the spirit to exit your space.

Step Three: Find Your Voice

Finding your voice while communicating with spirits can be quite an intimidating practice. What could be more straightforward than speaking your mind? If smudging or using other cleansing methods is not working as well as you'd hoped, you can now begin the process of communicating with the spirit or entity. Speaking with the spirit will look different for everyone. You could recite a protection spell, a personal mantra, or express your own unique set of boundaries and demands.

Spirits attract themselves to places and people for specific reasons, so using your energy to communicate aloud will lead to a response. Remain firm, clear, and steadfast in what you are saying, and the spirit will listen.

Step Four: Turn to Your Spiritual Community

If all other steps fail, we must call on our spiritual community. Do some research on leading psychics or mediums that can lend their expertise. Banishing spells, seances, and other specific spiritual communication can go wrong if not done correctly or with the right intentions. Remember, you have a wealth of spiritual warriors in your community, and they will be willing to help clear your space of any unwanted energies.

You are not alone if you are dealing with harmful or unwanted spirits in your intimate space. Take control of your environment by trying these steps. You will leave your communication with the peace that you help energy move on to the next plane.

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