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Angels & Spirits Articles

What is An Animal Spirit Guide?

What is An Animal Spirit Guide?

We have all heard about spirit guides and how they surround us and help us throughout our lives, but what about animal spirit guides? Have you ever wondered if you have an animal spirit guide? Do you feel connected with a specific animal such as a tiger or dolphin? An animal spirit guide is an animal that follows you and stays by your side throughout your lifetime. It has a unique nature, powerful skills and great knowledge that it wants to share with you. This animal chose you because they have very important things to teach you throughout your life.

If you want to find out what animal is your animal spirit guide you can ask the universe. Sit in a quiet place without distractions and allow yourself to fall into a deeper state of consciousness. Breathe deeply and observe the animals that come into your visualization. Most likely one specific animal will keep showing up in your mind. Trust in the first animal that comes to you, whether you like this type of animal or not. Take note of how it looks, how it moves and what it does and then write it all down.

You can also internally ask the universe to show your power animal, also known as an animal spirit guide, to you. When we ask the universe to show us signs and guidance it answers back in some shape or form. Ask to see your animal spirit guide and then be aware of which animal keeps appearing to you. It could appear on your favorite TV show, in a photo or in your dreams. Just be aware of any animal that keeps popping up in your daily life and in your visualizations and dreams.

Sometimes people are already aware of their animal spirit guide. They may have had a great love for tigers or polar bears since they were a small child. They might have a specific feeling or emotion attached to an animal. If you notice that you have photos of elephants throughout your home, chances are your animal spirit guide is an elephant.

Once you are aware of your animal spirit guide, you can discover what messages they have for you. Your animal spirit guide holds meaningful information that can allow you to make changes to improve the quality of your life. Remember that animal spirit guides aren't necessarily here to give you guidance, but rather to teach you lessons that you need to learn along your journey through life. They will come to you time and time again and if you become aware of this you can greatly enhance your life experience.

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