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Astrology & Numerology Articles

Are We Living in the Age of Aquarius?

Are We Living in the Age of Aquarius?

You’ve probably heard the many pop culture references to the Age of Aquarius. But do you understand what it means? The Age of Aquarius refers to the astrological term that refers to the astrological sign that lines up with the sun during the spring equinox. Each astrological age lasts for approximately 2,150 years and influences the overall historical and cultural climate of that time period.

For instance, the Age of Pisces charts the beginnings of Christianity and its influence over the last 2,000 years of history. This isn’t surprising when you think about the sign of Pisces and how it is an intensely spiritual sign that symbolizes all the wisdom gained throughout the rest of the zodiac.

“But wait,” you ask, “Wouldn’t the Age of Aquarius come before the Age of Pisces, if it follows the zodiac?” You’d be correct. However, the Earth has a wobble to it that causes it to appear to travel through the signs backwards, which is called retrograde. The Earth will go retrograde from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. While that fact is a given there is great debate over the exact transition.

Different calculations and charts have made it hard for astrologers to pinpoint the exact beginning of the Age of Aquarius. There are differences in the size of constellations used by various groups, as well as differences in the Earth’s rotation that influence when the Earth moves from one astrological age to the next. Further complicating matters is that there is no one standard date marking the start of the Age of Pisces, so there is no sure way to calculate the end.

Instead, astrologers have looked for signs that the age has begun by analyzing cultural changes and trends that align with the Aquarian spirit, which is marked by unity, harmony and love without prejudice. Instead of focusing on the spiritual individual, we will move towards a group consciousness of humanitarianism and brotherhood.

Many people believed that the New Age movement of the 1960s and the 1970s was the start of the Age of Aquarius. Famed mystic Edgar Cayce believed that instead of an abrupt, and possibly traumatic change, that there would be a gradual shift to the Age of Aquarius starting in 1988. There is growing belief that the rise in technology that has led to globalization is one of the strongest indicators that we have entered the Age of Aquarius.

While the Age of Aquarius is thought to be a time of globalization and unity, it is also marked by growing pains as the collective world conscious shifts. We will see conflict caused by groups holding on to out-dated worldviews who clash with progressive thinkers and doers. Ultimately, these conflicts will be resolved and we as a society will grow—but that doesn’t always mean the path forward will be easy.

Without any confirmation from astrological charts or astronomy calculations, it’s up for us to decide for ourselves. Are we ready to usher in the Age of Aquarius? Are we ready to set aside differences and embrace a greater humanitarian worldview? Only time will tell.

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