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Astrology & Numerology Articles

Compatibility and Your Astrological Sign

Compatibility and Your Astrological Sign

Ever fallen for a guy who thought romance was sharing his beer with you while you massaged his feet? Had a date with a girl who spent the whole evening gabbing on her cell phone, to another guy? Does your dog despise you? Does your cat hold you in contempt? Does your parrot mimic you? Could you use a friend who’s available to hang out when you’re not paying? Does even your own mother hit the send to voicemail button when you call?

Maybe you should look to the stars, my friend.

Love and compatibility are two things that can be pretty hard to find in this world, especially if you have a tendency to make questionable choices when left to your own devices. But for centuries, folks have consulted the heavens for the answers to life’s most burning questions:

“Will I find true love?”

“Will he sweep me off my feet?”

“Will she be the woman of my dreams?”

“Will he chip in for the cable bill if we’re mostly watching ‘Sports Center’ every night?”

Think astrology and horoscopes are a bunch of hooey? Ask the woman who realized that every bad relationship she’d ever had in her life had been with a Gemini, from her high school sweetheart to her former best friend to her three (count ‘em, THREE) ex-husbands. Or the man who could never get a second date, until he realized that as a perfectionist Virgo, he had way more in common with well-grounded Capricorns than free-spirited Sagittarius’s.

From friends to lovers to Fido, you could use some guidance on gauging your life companions. Consult this handy guide and start looking, not only for signs, but at signs. It could mean the difference between spending another Saturday night pumicing your heels or kicking them up at the nearby dance club with your soul mate.

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