Decoding the Zodiac Symbols

You may be more familiar with the symbols of the zodiac than you think, but do you know how the symbol relates to the sign? By decoding the zodiac symbol, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your sign.
Aries—The Ram
An Aries tends to take life’s challenges much like a ram battling on a cliff. Once an Aries decides to go after something, they put their head down and do it with their whole heart—no matter the challenges.
Taurus—The Bull
A Taurus tends to have incredible willpower and determination—some might even say they are “bullheaded”. A bull market is what we call the stock market on an upswing and this same confidence echoes in the personality of a Taurus on a mission.
Gemini—The Twins
Duality is at the core of the symbol of Gemini. The twins signify the incredible adaptability and flexibility of a Gemini. As a general rule, a Gemini uses their inner duality to understand people and often use their innate charm to positive ends.
Cancer—The Crab
Much like the crab that carries its home wherever it goes, for a convenient retreat from a confrontation, people under the Cancer sign tend to have an intense nurturing side and penchant for domesticity. They tend to be moody, but will often retreat to their home instead of sharing their emotions.
Leo—The Lion
If the lion is the king of the jungle, then the Leo is the king of the zodiac, or at least they live their life as if they are. Balanced by an affectionate nature, Leos have a strong personality that makes them natural leaders. But beware the roar of an angry lion!
Virgo—The Virgin
Virgos have a tendency to value peace and harmony. While they may speak softly and make many friends, they also aren’t afraid to hold onto their beliefs or express their opinions.
Libra—The Scales
The sign of Libra is symbolized by scales, which represent a need for balance and justice. You’ll often find that a Libra is driven by a need for fairness and wisdom, yet find it hard to regain balance if they take their quest for beauty to extremes.
Scorpio—The Scorpion
Don’t ever let yourself be fooled by the Scorpio’s calm and collected nature as they are capable of a punishing sting—just like the scorpion that symbolizes this zodiac sign. Scorpios have the ability to take on any challenge and overcome insurmountable obstacles.
Sagittarius—The Centaur
A Centaur is a mythical creature that is half man and half horse and represents the differences between wild nature and reasoned thought. With this symbol, a Sagittarius tends to have an intense nature that requires focus to see results.
Capricorn—The Goat
A goat’s boundless curiosity is evident in a Capricorn’s inquisitive nature and penchant for organization. Capricorns are known for thinking deep thoughts and taking on burdens for their loved ones.
Aquarius—The Water Bearer
Even though Aquarius is an air sign, its symbol is the Water Bearer or the person who is pouring water for the world. The water is what nourishes the land and lets life flourish. Aquarians often channel their humanitarian nature to projects that help the greater good.
Pisces—The Fish
There is much going on below the surface for the Pisces. Much like their symbol, a fish, a Pisces is honest to a fault, which sometimes leads them to trust the wrong people. This is a very emotional and spiritual sign as evidenced by the watery and mysterious environment that is a fish’s home.
Whether your zodiac sign has an animal totem or abstract symbol, analyzing its significance can help you gain a better understanding of your sign and yourself.