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Astrology & Numerology Articles

Planetary Job Placement

Planetary Job Placement

Finding out what your aptitude career-wise through astrology can be a bit tricky, but having the right interpretation can be helpful guide in finding out what you are prone to be good at and enjoy doing. More and more people are getting an early start with their own children even, in hopes of seeing which direction to steer them during their educational years, but there is no definite or clear cut vocational track within an astrological chart. The possibilities are tremendously easier to track when one has an intermediate grasp on how things work under the star alignments you were born with. Planetary placement within the astrological chart can reveal many paths and deciphering which ones are going to be fiscally sound as opposed to a hobby you’re going to excel in isn’t always glaringly obvious, so it’s best to bear that in mind when using this particular route for job-related advice.

For a solid reading, one must have a proper astrological chart calculated; you can’t do a whole lot with just knowing your sun sign, you need an accurate time of birth and the location to get the many determining factors all garnered into one place. This will be necessary for interpretation as nothing can be truly assessed without a blending of the planets and their placements, and the complexity of a chart needs more than an amateur’s remarks to get the whole picture, so be sure to consult a professional.

Key factors that show some possible career options lie in what sign rules your first house (also known as the “rising” sign or “ascendant”), where that sign’s planetary ruler exists in the rest of your chart, what planets have an aspect or connection to your rising sign, what other planets reside in your first house, well you get the picture – this is no simple task.

Planetary placements into the twelve astrological houses determined by your birth time help narrow down the range of choices a great deal, but this also depends on how scattered your chart may be. Some people may be a jack-of-all-trades and master of none as a result of not having a more concise or heavily concentrated area in their birth chart, whereas others will have super obvious aspects that denote talents in only a few areas.

I’m a Sagittarius, which rules philosophy, law, religion, and travel to name a few. I was a philosophy major for about ten minutes in college, I’ve done temporary jobs at law firms, and I used to be a musician that played on a tour of quite a few cities. My Sagittarian sun and mercury occupy the fourth house in my chart, which rules the home or real estate. I have Virgo (astrology, health, and media) rising and my mars is in the second house, which can show a lot of energy directed into writing. I currently work as a writer of a variety of topics (including astrology) from my home.

Chart analysis by the right interpreter can be so helpful in giving you a decent menu to try things from, but ultimately you must decide what resonates best with you.

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