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The Master Numbers in Numerology

The Master Numbers in Numerology

No matter what approach you take in your numerology calculations, there are three master numbers that never reduce to a single digit. While all the numbers reveal much about your characteristics and what you will face, there are three master numbers that never reduce down and indicate powerful forces at work in your life.

The master numbers are 11, 22 and 33. When these numbers appear in your calculations, it’s time to stop calculating and get to work uncovering what these mean for your life. Discovering a master number in one of your core numbers is a little like winning the lottery—it can mean big blessings and big challenges.

Meet the Master Numbers

11—The master number 11 connects to your intuition and subconscious. It is a number of balance and holds many traits of the number 2 balanced within its significance. The master number 11 reveals that you have a powerful intuition and the gift of charismatic leadership. You’ll find that people are drawn to you or turn to you in a time of crisis for reasons beyond your understanding.

The challenge of having an 11 in your chart means that you have to be cautious of being to critical of yourself and that you struggle with doubt and depression.

22—The master number 22 is also called the “master builder” since it is a number that can get things done. It is known for being practical and signifies the ability to turn abstract concepts into reality. This powerful number is closely related to the number 4, which is a foundation number. However, it is a multiple of 11, and so it still retains a close link to intuition.

Be sure that you live up to your great potential signified by the 22 by taking some pressure off yourself. You have great ideas and the ability to make them happen. You can change the world if you don’t succumb to doubt and anxiety.

33—When calculated as one of the core numbers, the master number of 33 is an incredible combination of 11 and 22 and is referred to as the master teacher. It signifies a high level of understanding and enlightenment. When properly directed, the master number of 33 combines the intuition powers of 11 with the pragmatic solutions of 22 in ways that will benefit humanity as a whole.

Having the number 33 as one of your core numbers is incredibly rare. However, if it appears as one of your core numbers, especially your life path number, be prepared to lead people and change the world with your vision. While rare, this number is found in the core numbers of spiritual leaders, humanitarians and teachers.

The master numbers of 11, 22 and 33 work together to form what is known as the triangle of enlightenment. These numbers are incredibly powerful and necessary for the advancement of humanity. These are what allow people to work to greater purposes and unite the spiritual with the practical in ways that will change the world.

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