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Astrology & Numerology Articles

Top Five Worst Horoscope Matches

Top Five Worst Horoscope Matches

We use astrology for a wide variety of analyses—it is no surprise that we turn to the stars to analyze a potential love match. Our relationship chemistry is a composite of all our astrological placements; however, our sun signs are an excellent place to start to determine initial compatibility. Therefore, it's essential to consider not only the sun sign but also the astrological element as you calculate compatibility. Remember, astrology is a general guide and not a direct science, so don't fret if you see yourself and potential love interests on this list. Read on to find out the most conflicting love matches in the zodiac!

5. Cancer & Aquarius

Both water signs, Cancer, and Aquarius, can drown each other out in the areas of home life and intimacy. The Cancer is a homebody, while the Aquarius enjoys newness and freedom. This dynamic also finds its way into the bedroom—the Aquarius might find themselves quite bored with the overly attentive, cuddly Cancer. However, this pair is not always doomed; it will take plenty of love and constant communication to find some common ground.

4. Gemini & Aries

Gemini (air sign) will only build the Aries fire (fire sign) to be even larger and more destructive. The double personality of the Gemini will quickly anger and exhaust the no-nonsense and direct Aries. These two signs would have difficulty finding mutual understanding in their relationship goals. The dry and hot nature of this pairing makes for a volatile match.

3. Virgo & Sagittarius

The Sagittarius (fire sign) burns brightly and intensely, whereas the Virgo (earth sign) depends on stable ground. The free-spirited Sagittarius will ultimately find the wind taken out of their sails as the Virgo resorts to practicality and caution. You can imagine that this dynamic also translates into the bedroom. The Virgo can step out of their shell; however, with the overbearing Sagittarius, the likelihood of this leads to frustration and disappointment.

2. Scorpio & Leo

The Leo (fire sign) is just as center-stage as the Scorpio (water sign) is behind-the-scenes. Leos are known for their out and loud nature, while Scorpio is a deep well of mystery. Now, at first glance, a lot of playful tension between these dynamics can result in a fun love life. However, in terms of long-lasting compatibility, the Scorpio will put out Leo's fire, or the Leo will taunt the Scorpio until it must sting.

1. Pisces & Taurus

Opposites attract; however, sometimes, it takes a lot of work to make this attraction happen and make the effort worth everyone's while. This tortured dynamic is the case with this pairing: Pieces (water sign) and Taurus (earth sign). Unfortunately, Pisces's emotional and creative nature does nothing for the down-to-earth and creature comfort Taurus—simply, there is just not a lot that these two have in common for a vibrant and long-lasting love match.

Love is a many splendored thing—but it also is a complicated recipe of destiny, attraction, and hard work. So, which of these worst love matches surprises you the most?

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