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Astrology & Numerology Articles

What Are the Most Responsible Signs?

What Are the Most Responsible Signs?

Organizing a birthday party, being the weekend's DD, or showing up to an interview prepared and on time—these duties certainly do not come easily for everyone. Responsibility can imply many different things: reliability, trustworthiness, accountability, etc. It might be tempting to name all the earth signs as the most responsible and call it a day; however, this is not necessarily the case! Just as there are many ways to interpret responsibility, the top responsible signs have their own way of being responsible. Read on to find out which signs you can depend on the most and in what ways!

Aquarius: The Water-bearer

There is responsibility towards yourself and also responsibility towards others. An Aquarius has a deep sense of duty to the collective. This means that they feel great accountability to the planet and all those who inhabit it. Please don't take their flaky nature as fickle or erratic; an Aquarius will not align themselves with anything that goes against their morals. Ruled by Uranus and Capricorn, an Aquarius learns lessons through quick and sudden change. You can expect to rely on an Aquarius during turbulent times for sound advice, support, and a solid game plan.

Virgo: The Maiden

Okay, in all fairness, you could probably add “responsible” as a synonym for Virgo. These individuals are ruled by Mercury, which controls communication and logic. The Virgo loves to build a structure where there is chaos and can transform into whatever role is necessary to make the team successful. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, so they can “move like sand” to fill up any cracks in any partnership. If you need a reliable team player to tackle a significant undertaking, you certainly want the wise and dependable Virgo on-call.

Capricorn: The Sea Goat

Capricorns are practically born with a cosmic sense of diligence; the Capricorn will almost stop at nothing to achieve their goals, both big and small. From a young age, Capricorns often have difficulty seeing themselves in their peers and relate more to adults and adult responsibility. Consider yourself a magician if you can get a Capricorn to relax! However, for the most practical financial advice, a ride to the airport, or a reminder to drink more water—the Capricorn is your go-to responsibility buddy.

Taurus: The Bull

Loyal and ride-or-die, the Taurus does not take their relationships or responsibilities lightly. You could say that a Taurus honors their commitments like none other in the zodiac. Notoriously the most stubborn of the zodiac, this flaw can be interpreted as a significant strength. Unwavering in their focus, leave it to the Taurus to finish what they start once they take on a task. Proving someone wrong, proving it to themselves, or some flippant curiosity—whatever the motivation, the bull will forge ahead, so get out of the way!

Life is full of big and small responsibilities, and each of us is uniquely equipped to handle them; however, we can always use a little extra help. So, who are you calling in the event of an emergency?

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