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Astrology & Numerology Articles

What is Cosmic Geometry?

What is Cosmic Geometry?

Are universal truths hidden in the geometric forms throughout our universe? Join us on an in-depth exploration into the exciting world of cosmic geometry to find out more.

Could information such as life's real purpose or the exact nature of humankind's origin be hidden in plain sight? It's highly probable. Do mathematical shapes in the stars above Earth's skies and beyond hold answers to life's essential questions? Very possibly.

Think back to middle or high school math classes when you had to be there or be square. Those geometric formulas you learned may not be as irrelevant to your life as you thought. Here's why.

Scientists working on solving the equations in the stars above Earth's skies could very likely hold unimaginable solutions for all living things. Since numbers are the universe's language, the more advanced we become at solving mathematical theories, the better chance we have at deciphering the Milky Way's cosmic knowledge.

But, to be square with you, despite all of our studies, we are just now beginning to understand the correct mathematics of natural shapes here on our planet. Innovators and mathematical pioneers such as Fibonacci and Plato were among the firsts to recognize and decipher Earth's numerical patterns.

Amazing discoveries like the golden ratio allow us to dial into Mother Earth's digits. When applied to the stars, these formulas result in stunning sacred geometrical shapes like the magnificent and mind-blowing Metatron's Cube. Plato's original eight cosmic forms inspire its interlocking geometry. Also known as the octave of Platonic solids, they exist in a particular order: sphere, icosahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron, cube, dodecahedron, icosahedron, and sphere.

Yet, you certainly do not have to be a math whiz or savvy enough to get into the oval office to realize the importance of ovals, circles, and spheres in the universe. Our specific galaxy is an oval. Plus, all of our celestial planets and singular stars are all spherical due to strong gravitational forces.

The spherical stars and planets then orbit in an oval pattern around the round gaseous giant known as the sun. Furthermore, scientific experts in astrophysics theorize that the shape of the entire universe itself is slightly curved, meaning eventually, our universe could form a circle.

But, interstellar shapes are not just there for Astronomers to study. Like Astronomers, Astrologists examine planetary patterns of movements. Unlike scientists, psychics plot people's astrological profiles based on their time of birth.

Superstars in Astrology square up against the odds to measure the distance between stars and planets to create circular and personal Astrological natal charts and birth charts. Within this circle chart, they plot your planetary alignments into one of seven distinct shapes: bundle, locomotive, bowl, seesaw, splash, bucket, or splay.

To circle back, using modern-day mathematics, we are beginning to understand and uncover the true nature of cosmic geometry. Could these spectacular shapes in the heavens above have the potential to reveal answers to humankind's most important questions? Let's hope these supremely significant numbers add up to some stellar solutions for humanity!

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