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What's Your Number: Karmic Debt

What's Your Number: Karmic Debt

It's always important to remember that your numerology chart exposes character traits and themes that will carry throughout your life—past and present. Very often the lessons that you need to learn in your present life are based on wrongs that you need to right from past lives. This concept is karmic debt and reveals whether you're struggling to learn lessons regarding generosity, fidelity, loyalty or other broad concepts.

Finding specific numbers in your chart indicates a karmic debt, and you will be able to tell how that karmic debt will influence your life by its placement. If the number appears as your Life Path number, then the effects of the debt will be felt throughout your life in varying degrees. Likewise, if a karmic debt appears as your Expression number, it will affect your professional life, and if it's in your Heart's Desire, it will present challenges to your social relationships.

Guide to Karmic Debt

Karmic Number 13

The number 13 in your numerology chart shows that you have work to do to make up for taking it easy in your past life. Due to taking it easy and shirking responsibilities in your past life, you will face additional obstacles that require you to work extra hard to get anything done. Dedication and focus are the key characteristics that will help you atone for taking it easy in the past.

Karmic Number 14

If you find that your life is chaotic and unpredictable, you may find a 14 in your chart. This number reveals that you indulged your personal freedom too much and needed to learn the importance of commitment and stability. The best way to stay on track if you have a 14 in your chart is to have a life goal that you must continually stay focused to achieve.

Karmic Number 16

This tough karmic number requires some deep introspection. It is the number that indicates that the old way of thinking or acting must be destroyed to build a new life that is spiritually balanced. The karmic number 16 may reveal that you will suffer many setbacks along the way and that you need to learn humility in the face of defeat and that this humility will allow you to achieve a stronger connection with your spirituality.

Karmic Number 19

This karmic debt number tells you that you have a problem with power. The chances are good that you were in a position of authority and took advantage of it to the detriment of those beneath you in a past life. You may find yourself in difficult circumstances without anyone to help you. Rely on yourself and don't allow your resentment to cloud your relationships with others.

While you might be inclined to view a karmic debt as a negative, it's important for you to recognize how it influences your life so that you can overcome difficulty and pay off your karmic debt.

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