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Cleansing Your Workspace of Negative Vibes

Cleansing Your Workspace of Negative Vibes

As much as we’d like to keep positive vibes around us at all times, we often find ourselves in a work environment that is filled with negativity. Challenges can come in the form of co-workers and even from the actual space itself.

Everything visible and invisible is comprised of energy and vibrations. Words, thoughts, moods and health all have a distinct vibe that can carry over, even after the person putting those vibes into place has departed. It’s next to impossible to ward off all negativity, but it is completely feasible to counteract the intrusions and bring your surroundings back to a comfortable and productive atmosphere.

The first thing you want to accomplish is cleansing your space. This should be repeated on a weekly basis, if it’s feasible. Get organized and remove as much clutter as possible. Good energy has to have a place to exist, even if it’s only in the small radius around your workspace. Don’t pay any mind to co-worker’s spaces or focus on their negativity, you do your thing and lead by example. You’d be surprised how even just a small thing like removing clutter can attract organization of all levels around you.

Next, you want to do a proper cleansing of the area. This can be a tad tricky if you are working for someone else. So, if you think this process may be an issue, it is advisable to get permission before taking action. If you have free reign, you need to acquire some White Sage in the form of smudge sticks. These are frequently used for purification and cleansing ceremonies in Native American culture as well as in Wicca or Pagan practices. Open the windows first as the clearing of energy is best done when you can have proper air flow. Doing so also pushes stagnant energies out of your range.

Once you light your smudge stick, you need to initially cleanse yourself. Wave the smoke near the soles of your feet and working your way up while making sure you envelop your entire energy field in the smoke. Keep your mind on positive thoughts whilst doing so. You can even play some music during the cleansing process.

Next, do the same thing for your entire work area. Give it about a half an hour before you close the windows. You may want to do this early, before anyone else arrives and make a routine of it. If something along the lines of an argument or exposure to illness occurs, you may want to cleanse your space again immediately afterwards, if possible.

Keep in mind that there are many facets to creating a peaceful and harmonious backdrop in your designated work area. Between cleanses you can burn Sandalwood incense for good measure, or play new age music at very low levels to discreetly keep the up the positive energy in your space throughout the week.

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