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Career & Finance Articles

Financially Successful Future

Financially Successful Future

While finances may seem very personal and based entirely upon your own actions and spending decisions, in reality our national and global economy both greatly affect your own earning potential. For this reason, it is best to realize that your product and service choices can impact both your own financial future and the global financial future.

As a consumer, you are the most powerful global policy maker. What you choose to, or not to, spend your money on greatly impacts your finances in the now, as well as in your future. When examining your present financial state, bear in mind that you can take steps to enhance and improve the economy as a whole.

It can be difficult to understand at first, but just try to imagine the vast impact you have on the global economic future through everything you purchase or do not purchase.

If you or anyone you know has been laid off due to outsourcing, you may want to take a stand against buying imported goods. This spending decision would have a two pronged effect. Your own spending level is likely to go up, as cost per product will tend to be higher for a Made in USA item. So, your short term spending expenditure would rise.

However, deciding to only buy domestically made items would ensure a greater likelihood for the nation to continue manufacturing goods, which translates into more jobs for Americans. So, in this instance the short term personal effect would be negative, but the long term national effect would be very positive and promote economic growth for the nation.

Want to impact your own community’s economy? This concept can be applied locally, with this example which illustrates the importance of purchasing local food. Even in your local grocery store, nearly all of the food items have been shipped in. While purchasing food there does allow more locals to be employed at the grocery store itself, any local farmers or ranchers are negatively impacted by your choice to buy from a chain grocer.

In order to support your local economy, instead buy food items from local produce stands, farmer’s markets and butcher shops. This will stimulate growth of your local economy and provide more jobs to local residents. For instance, buying local honey creates jobs, helps with the pollination of food producing plants in your area and it can also act as an antihistamine for those who suffer from pollen allergies.

It can be difficult to envision a successful financial future without first examining your own spending habits. These examples of your own purchasing power are intended to enlighten you about the significant impact you have on your own finances, your community’s economy, the nation’s economy and the global economy. It is all too easy to get caught up in our own personal financial problems, without realizing that everyone in the economy is interconnected.

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