How to Deal with a Toxic Workplace

Whether we like to admit it or not, we spend a large portion of our lives in the workplace. Just as we cultivate a healthy, safe, and stimulating home life, our work lives should also have a similar balance. If you find that you are prone to headaches, immune system issues, depression, and anxiety after work, you are probably dealing with a toxic work environment. Overcoming a toxic work environment is no easy task; however, there are many ways to make your work life more tolerable and make success in your position possible.
Gather Your Work Friends
Life is easier with some trusted friends at your side. If you are experiencing troubles in your workplace, other coworkers are also likely to experience them too. So, pull those close to you that may be going through similar struggles. Through your shared experiences, you can support one another when times get rough. These relationships can also extend beyond the office, and you can cultivate some fun work buddy hangouts where you vent about work or forget about it altogether!
Check In on Your Work-life Balance
Work is a large part of our lives; however, it is not our end all, be all. You should also be sure to prioritize other areas of your life to counterbalance the stress and anxiety you may be feeling in your career. Our bodies and minds are not wired to be work-focused all the time, so cultivate stress-reducing activities on your days off or after the office. Work-life balance also teaches us about boundaries. Set your e-mail to vacation mode where and when possible, and let your coworkers know your work stops when you leave the office. When you communicate clearly to those around you, you will hopefully find that they will respect your peace of mind.
Stay Focused on the Work and Not the Drama
Walk into the office with the mantra: my productivity comes first, and the rest is noise. While you may not always be able to control office gossip, you can learn to tune it out and not partake. Resist the urge to feed into the surrounding work conversations that do not benefit your work or productivity. Instead, staying focused and respectful is the best way to rise above the noise and impress the higher-ups!
Know When It's Time to Move On
If you've tried to stick it out with a support network and self-affirming positivity, and you are still struggling with your work-life balance, it may be time to move on to another job. Landing another position is not always easy and depends on the fluctuating job market; however, your attempt to be respectful, focused, and positive does not go unnoticed for a reference letter and a potential new position.
Work is called work for a reason—it's never easy. Unfortunately, far too often, you can get caught up in a toxic work environment that spills into other areas of your life. With these tips, stay confident, know what you deserve in a workplace, and what you can offer in your dream career.