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Selling Yourself: Job Search Tips

Selling Yourself: Job Search Tips

The search for a new job can feel endless and exhausting. It can take a toll on your self-confidence and leave you wondering what you have to offer an employer. Take heart—you are not alone during your search for a new and improved position!

In order to get the job of your dreams, or even a job that will pay the bills, you need to shake off the feelings of exhaustion and start selling yourself! Changing your perspective can help you find ways to stand out from the crowd in all the ways that matter. So go on and don't be afraid to polish your resume, shine your smile and get the job!

Highly Effective Job Search Tips

Tip 1: Tune into Your Network

Don't be ashamed to let your friends and family know that you're looking for a job. Let them know what type of position that you want and see if they know someone who knows someone. Let your network lead you to your next opportunity.

It's important to remember that building a strong network also involves effort on your part. Be sure to return the favor and help others in your network. Whether you introduce your former boss to your cousin who is just starting out in the field, or you pass along the news of an open position to a friend, your efforts will be returned when it's your time to tap the network.

Tip 2: Be the Product

Throughout our lives, we're told not to brag and to be humble. That advice can make it difficult to effectively sell yourself when it comes time to write your resume or cover letter. As you embark on the job search, take the time to reflect on your experiences, skills, and abilities. Think of yourself as a product and how you would market yourself to the world.

Remember, an effective marketing campaign highlights the benefits and strengths of a product and doesn't make any outright lies!

Tip 3: Spin Makes the World Go ‘Round

The trick is not to get so zealous about marketing yourself as a job candidate that you tell lies. Honesty is still necessary, and if you get a job based on skills and abilities that you don't have, you'll quickly be found out. Don't get a reputation for being at best an exaggerator, or at worst a liar. Only sell gifts and abilities that you can deliver.

While you should be honest, that doesn't mean that you can't coat the truth with a sweet candy coating. Take your time when answering tricky interview questions and try to respond to the question that they are asking. Your interviewer isn't asking about your weaknesses but wants to know how you overcome challenges.

It's important to keep up your confidence and believe in yourself during a job search. Remember; it 's not personal if you don't get the job. It just means that the right opportunity is still out there.

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