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Career & Finance Articles

Stand Tall, Be Your Advocate

Stand Tall, Be Your Advocate

If you are like most people, you spend more time at work and with colleagues than you do at home with your family and friends. Add in the fact that you rely on your job for income and might have greater ambitions than your current position; it can be difficult to stand up for yourself in the workplace.

If you don’t find a way to speak up for yourself amid the many personalities and responsibilities of your office, you may experience feelings of intense frustration and powerlessness that could grow into unfocused anger that could prevent you from achieving your goals.

You may believe that it’s easier, and safer, to fly under the radar and keep your frustrations and disappointments regarding your position to yourself. Don’t let your fears silence you and instead stand tall and be your own advocate.

Embracing your personal power and being your advocate will help you find success in the workplace and other areas of your life. It’s important to realize that being assertive is not the same thing as being aggressive or being a bully. Find your voice and using it as a tool for self-advocacy will help you improve communication skills, boost your confidence and get the respect that you deserve.

Step 1: Believe in Yourself

In order to command respect, you must truly believe that you deserve respect and that you have value. Don’t listen to your doubts and fears that make you question your worth. Write down your strengths on the bathroom mirror or repeat positive affirmations as a daily reminder that you are strong, and you will succeed.

Step 2: Know What You Want

Take the time to clarify your needs and wants. This exercise will help you focus on your desired outcome, recognize distractions and limit your excuses. Remember, you won’t be able to let others know what you want until you know it for yourself.

Step 3: Ditch the Mind Games

Whether you’re going for a promotion, better working conditions or a pay raise, you can’t expect others to read your mind and act according to your secret wishes. Be sure to do a little planning, get your facts in order so that you can calmly and rationally state your case in a professional manner. Ask your boss for a meeting so that everyone has time to prepare and comes to the table ready for a productive and respectful conversation.

In the process of standing up for yourself and being your own advocate, you also need to remember to be kind to yourself. At first, you might feel uncomfortable asserting your needs, but in time you will begin to experience a powerful shift in personal energy that will help bring about the success you’ve been chasing.

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