The Pros and Cons of Working From Home

Let’s face it; there’s always something to complain about when we think about our work lives. Whether it be long hours, a traffic-filled commute, horrible bosses, unfulfilling work, or less-than-interesting coworkers, work never seems ideal. Luckily for some, many companies are turning to more accommodating situations that allow employees to work from home. This alternative to not-so-convenient work environments of the past has more and more people vying for work-at-home arrangements. Just like with anything, though, there can be downsides. Before you choose whether or not working from home is your next career move, consider these pros and cons.
Pro: Improve Your Work/Life Balance
Question: If you could live in a world where work didn’t exist, would you? The answer is more than likely yes, but unfortunately, that is not the world we live in. There is, however, a thing called work/life balance. Working from home makes this balance a little easier to manage. When you are on your clock instead of your bosses, it is easier to set healthy boundaries. Remember to take breaks as you need them, set up a work at home environment that is productive and inviting, and carefully set rules that will help you love life while making a living.
Con: Distractions, Distractions
Bosses are good for something—they do help keep you on task. Without your boss over your shoulder, it might be hard to practice self-discipline. With your TV, your snuggly pet, and your kitchen surrounding you, it takes healthy boundaries and strict rules to keep these distractions from interfering with the quality and quantity of your work. Do you think you’d be up for the challenge?
Pro: You Can Save
Without a gas-guzzling commute, on-the-go lunches, and the need for business casual attire, you can save money working from home. Also, tax season can be an exciting thing—if you’re up for a little extra work. If you work from home, you can claim certain home office expenses to raise your next tax return.
Con: It Can Be Lonely
While some co-workers can be absolute nightmares, some can be best friend material. Working from home has the potential to be lonely and makes it harder for you to forge new relationships. Remember to step outside your comfort zone outside of work to meet new people.
Pro: Flexibility
Yes, this may seem obvious, but it is still a definite and vital perk of working from home. Without practical things to consider like a commute or a strict morning routine, your workday becomes more flexible and suitable to your needs. Take that extra minute in the morning to do yoga, make a nutritious breakfast, and maybe even squeeze in a lunch date with your best friend to keep your spirits high—just don’t let this flexibility get out of control!
Con: Less Competition
Yes, less competition can be a bad thing. Without peers to learn from and compete with, your learning might stall. If you work from home, it might be a good thing to seek opportunities to learn new skills that will help you improve. Who knows, maybe this will lead to even more ideal career opportunities for you in the future.
Before you consider working from home, take extra care to consider some of the benefits and drawbacks to make sure it is the right fit for you and your future!