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What Is Your True Calling In Life?

What Is Your True Calling In Life?

This is a question that we all encounter within our lives and many of us never actually find out the answer. We may find temporary solutions to this question, end up feeling completely unfulfilled and then start our search again. When we grow up, we hear stories of people who knew exactly what they were meant to do at a very young age.

It is very important to know that this is a very rare event and many individuals have no idea what they are meant to do at any time during their life. While it may look easy to find your way so early in life or even find it at all, just because people find their calling does not always mean they enjoy it on a daily basis.

Do you know what you are meant to do in this lifetime? If not, don’t worry, not many of us do. We live in a society where we are mostly defined by what we do for work. Sad, but true, our position at work is thought of as our place on the long ladder of society.

The idea of having a true calling can be unsettling. You may ask yourself over and over again, ‘Why didn’t I know of my true calling before I paid for college, started a family and invested in a new home?’ ‘Why have I discovered it now when I have so many responsibilities that prevent me from doing anything about it?’

If we feel we have missed out on one of life’s most incredible journeys, we may feel a great sense of regret, envy and resentment towards ourselves and others. If you want to find your true calling at an earlier stage in life, try asking yourself these questions.

What Comes Easy To You? What Excites You?

These are very important questions when it comes to figuring out what your true calling is. What do you find comes easy to you in your life? What hobbies make you happy and feel fulfilled? Many times in life we choose hobbies that are actually what we are meant to do in life.

Whether we write exceptionally well, are good at sports or if we have a way with numbers and equations, they can all be signs of your true calling. Take some time to look at your interests. If you feel as though you don’t have any, do some research on some things you would like to try. You might find you are immediately drawn to a glass blowing class, or that you feel especially excited about taking a writing or cooking class. Whatever you find, go with it and give yourself the chance to explore something that may lead you to an entirely new life path.

What Are Your Goals For Your Life?

Your true calling may get pushed to the side if your goals aren’t influenced by it. If your main goal in life is to make tons of money, then your true calling may never present itself. It may be ignored by materialistic goals and you may never get to shine. It is very important to have your priorities straight within your life.

If you want to feel real happiness in every aspect of your life and to achieve balance, you need to be flexible and keep an open mind. Making a large amount of money in life may bring you material happiness and security, but it may leave you feeling empty. Your true purpose is what will fulfill your days and warm your heart into your golden years of life.

Is it time for you to take a closer look at your path in life? Keep an open mind and allow yourself to take on opportunities you wouldn’t normally take on. Give yourself the chance to evolve and to find real purpose within your life.

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