Introvert/Extrovert: What They Can Learn From Each Other

Without darkness, there is no light; without sugar, there is no salt; without introverts, there are no extroverts—opposites commonly categorize the world. The reality is not “this or that” but “a little bit of this and a little bit of that.” We do tend to lean on definitions of introverts and extroverts to define our personalities and who we are. However, can we learn to view these two extremes as part of the same whole? Can we realize that we do probably have a little bit of both? Below find out precisely what the extrovert in you can learn from the introvert, and vice versa, because we all have the tools to build well-rounded personalities!
Extroverts Can Learn to Appreciate the Quiet/Introverts Can Learn to Appreciate Action
When an extrovert walks into a room, they tend to get their energy from those around them. But, on the other hand, the introvert will prioritize self-care to “re-charge their batteries.”
Neither/or is ideal on its own, so what can these personality types learn from each other? Well, when extroverts would rather live on the go, they tend to neglect proper reflection and mindfulness. So, slow down every once and a while to embrace the quiet!
The introvert in you can also learn how to let go and live in the moment. If you spend a lot of time reflecting, you tend to weigh options longer and more intentionally, which may take some magic out of the spontaneity of newness and the unknown. So live a little and let loose; there will always be time enough for your reflections!
Introverts Can Learn How to Ask for Help/ Extroverts Can Learn to Be Better Listeners
Introverts tend to not linger on the surface and instead want to dig deep into the depths with those that they meet. This is a great skill to have; however, this might get in the way of meeting large groups of people. On the other hand, Extroverts may meet a new friend every week with their ability to magnetize people with light and fun conversation.
When introverts retreat inward, it might become harder to expand outward for support. Introverts do tend to rely on themselves more and their communities less. The introvert could take a lesson or two from the extrovert's ability to build and maintain wide community networks. The more people you know, the more resources and tools you have.
While extroverts can make new friends like nobody's business, they tend to take a little longer to penetrate surface-level interactions. An extrovert may entice you with their charm; however, when it comes to deepening relationships, could learn a thing or two from the thoughtful introvert.
Introvert + Extrovert = Ambivert
While it is normal to sway a little more towards one side or the other—being one thing entirely is rarely accurate. However, a new term is circulating to define those that feel like an equal mix. Those that feel like a decent split are referred to as ambiverts. There are rarely things in life that are mutually exclusive—and this goes for your personality too!
What does the yin in your personality want challenge in your yang? Take a moment to nurture your self-awareness to build a solid and complex personality type.