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Destiny & Goals Articles

Manifestation vs Manipulation

Manifestation vs Manipulation

Ask and you shall receive? Some TV shows and movies suggest that you must only rub a lamp or a bottle to receive all you wish. Is it true that our goals and dreams can be realized this easily? Some might suggest yes, as long you practice active manifestation—not if you have your own genie at your beck and call. However, the line can be very fine between the realms of manifestation and manipulation. To manifest your goals, you may want to be mindful of these two differing philosophies as you follow your personalized journey to success. Read below to better understand how manifestation works and how to avoid falling into the manipulation trap—your goals are waiting!

What Is Manifestation?

Whether we're aware of it or not, we're manifesting all the time. Unfortunately, not all manifestation leads to positive consequences; sometimes, we're unaware of the realities and outcomes we allow with our passive thoughts. Manifestation is about tuning into naturally occurring thoughts and steering them toward more positive results.

Along with paying more attention to our natural thought patterns, we also learn to accept responsibility for the results that occur in our lives. The most important takeaway is that when we manifest, we must focus on controlling our thoughts, not people or circumstances, because our thoughts are the only entities we control.

What Is Manipulation?

Our thoughts and feelings can get confused in very disastrous ways. If we find ourselves caught in cyclical thought patterns without engaging with them intentionally, these thoughts turn into beliefs. Just because we believe in something doesn't necessarily make it “true”; however, we tend to form powerful attachments and bonds with our views.

Just as we often don't know we are manifesting, we also can be unaware that we are manipulating a situation or outcome. Examples of manipulation include passive-aggressive behaviors, dishonesty, gaslighting, and others. If your beliefs affect people and situations around you in toxic and controlling ways, you may be manipulating, not manifesting with your thoughts and opinions.

How Manifesting Is Learning to Let Go While Also Taking Responsibility

Blindly attaching ourselves too tightly to our emotionally driven beliefs and thoughts can lead to manipulative behavior. Instead, attempt to understand your thought patterns before letting them pass, so you can better understand their effects on you and your life circumstances. Let energies and thoughts go to make room for new ones and think of your belief system as constantly in flux, never stagnant. The art of manifestation is twofold: you must learn to let go of the need to control people and things while taking personal responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs, and energies.

These two skills in manifestation are not opposed but rather help us build a more detailed understanding of our responsibility to ourselves, relationships, dreams, and the world. So, with more intention and awareness, we invite opportunity in, and our goals will be thankful.

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