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Transform Your Life with Positive Affirmations

Transform Your Life with Positive Affirmations

Transform Your Life with Positive Affirmations

August 7, 2015
There are many times in life that we are our own worst enemy and will talk ourselves out of reaching for goals before we even get a chance to begin. We believe the worst about ourselves and discourage ourselves with negative self-talk that we believe to be true. One key to transforming your life is to defeat this negative self-talk and one powerful way to do that is to use positive affirmations.

A positive affirmation can be thought of as a daily mantra and it is a loving, positive phrase that addresses something about our selves or situation as if it is already come true. By repeating the positive affirmation, you will come to believe it, live it and make it come true in your daily life.

By identifying your negative self-talk, refocusing the negative into a positive, you will be able to create strong positive affirmations that will help you change your life. As with so many other personal journeys of growth and enlightenment, the first step is often the most difficult. It requires you to take an honest look at how you hold yourself back. What are the things that you believe to be true about yourself that are born out of a place of fear?

Once you’ve identified the negative beliefs that need to be addressed, spend time putting a positive spin on them. Don’t forget, honesty with your self is very important in this step of the process too. You can be careful to reframe the new, positive affirmation with qualifiers such as, “I am learning to…” or “I am open to…” so that you stay honest with yourself. However, avoid saying, “I’m trying to…” that gives you too much wiggle room and allows for negative self-talk to creep back in slowly, but surely.

Don’t be afraid to try different ways of incorporating these positive affirmations into your daily routine. Many people swear by different methods, and you can experiment until you find what works for you. If you meditate daily, try to use the positive affirmation as your mantra. Other ideas include writing the affirmation in your mirror and repeating it to yourself as you get ready in the morning, recording it in your daily journey with new observations and emotions or just replacing negative self-talk that arises with your positive affirmation.

Additionally, positive affirmations are a way of verbalizing your wishes and desires into the Universe and spiritual realm. Positive affirmations work on two levels, one that changes your heart and mind about yourself and allows the spiritual realm to know your wishes and help you manifest those desires. Once you start embracing the power of a positive affirmation, you might find more love and forgiveness within yourself and that the right opportunities and tools for change appear in your life, seemingly out of nowhere.

It’s important to remind yourself of these positive affirmations on a continuing basis. The more that you think of the positive affirmation, the more you will begin to believe it and it is that belief that will help you fully harness the power of positive affirmations.

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