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Dreams Articles

Dreams Reveal Your Inner Self

Dreams Reveal Your Inner Self

Morning after morning you wake up but you can't quite shake the fog of sleep. Coffee doesn't get you going as it has in the past, your morning routine drags on and you just feel sluggish throughout the day. It wasn't that you stayed up too late or woke up too early.

It was your turbulent dreams that robbed you of your rest. Daily anxieties and frustrations find their way into what should be a peaceful night's rest.

Dreams are played out against the inner landscape of your mind. They are the bridge between your "awake reality" and your subconscious mind. Unexamined dreams are lost clues as to what your soul is trying to tell you. If you don't take the time to reflect on these messages from your subconscious, you will be missing out on the rich life that you so deserve.

Often, we me mistake not remembering our dreams with not having dreams. This dangerous assumption will keep you from exploring new avenues to a more peaceful life. There are several steps that will aid you in recalling your dreams. As you fall asleep tell yourself, "I will remember my dreams tonight, I will remember my dreams tonight, I will remember my dreams tonight." Be prepared by having a journal and pen right next to your bed when you wake up. Before you get up and start your day, record your dreams. Remember to capture feelings and emotions, as well as people, places and other important elements.

By taking the first step to recall your nightly dreams, you will strengthen your recall abilities. While this is a vital step, it is not enough. A personalized and detailed dream analysis will guide you in uncovering the meaning of your dreams and reveal how they connect with your waking life.

Discovering Lost Memories—It can be something as simple as finding lost keys or as complex as understanding a childhood event through the lens of adulthood, but dreams have a way of helping us discover memories that we thought were lost to time.

Your Soul's Warning System—In your waking life, it can be easy to ignore your gut feelings about people and situations. Your dreams cut through this haze of confusion and serve as urgent warnings that something is not in your best interest. Whether your dreams are telling you that you have too much on your plate and need to take time for yourself, or to caution you against trusting the wrong person, a dream interpretation will help clarify what you are trying tell yourself.

Closure with the Past—We all have a past that haunts us and we search for closure. Whether it's the death of a loved one, a hostile divorce or getting laid off, we rarely have the opportunity to express our feelings of regret, remorse or hurt. Your dreams provide a safe haven for examining your complicated emotions.

After recalling your dreams and examining the multifaceted meanings of them with a dream interpreter, you will enrich your life by crossing the bridge between your subconscious and your waking life.

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