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Dreams Articles

Understand Your Dream Symbols

Understand Your Dream Symbols

Sweet dreams or nightmares, every night brings a Technicolor journey into our inner yearnings and fears. Dreaming helps clarify problems, reveal true feelings, relieve stress and help us achieve our waking dreams.

Understanding our dreams can tell us the answers and solutions to many of our life problems...

A Psychic Dream Reader can help you understand what your dreams really mean, unlocking the power of now.

Dreams speak in terms of images, symbols and metaphors. Each part of a dream represents some part of our life. The best way to learn to interpret your dreams is to start a dream journal.

  • Record whatever you remember from your dreams, however odd or disconnected as it may seem. Jotting down your dreams helps you remember more.
  • If you forget your dreams, write down your first thought and mood as soon as you wake up.
  • If no pattern or symbol jumps out to you as meaningful, working with someone who is experienced at the language of dreams—such as an AskNow Psychic Dream Reader — is often helpful to get you on the right path.

Here are some common dreams and interpretations:

Falling Dreams: Think about what support system in your life feels unsteady. Is there any trauma lately which is causing you to feel like you are falling apart? Is a big decision looming that makes you feel like you are falling out of control?

Dreams About Being Chased: Usually relates to fear of being caught, trapped or overwhelmed by unknown life changes. Do you fear a medical test result? Are you trapped in a relationship?

Horse Dreams: Animal dreams are extremely common. Horses represent the energy at our disposal. White horses=spiritual awareness, brown horse=pragmatism, black horse=passion and winged horse=transcendence.

Understanding our dreams can tell us the answers and solutions to many of our life problems—perhaps even warn us about a path decision we are about to make, saving us from making mistakes. Get a dream reading now, and explore the eloquent language of our dreams and their meaning.

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