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Dreams Articles

What Are Precognitive Dreams?

What Are Precognitive Dreams?

Have you ever had a detailed dream from a first person perspective which seems incredibly real, only to wake up and later discover your dream has become a reality? Or, months or years after a memorable dream, the exact same event or situation which occurred in your dream happens in real life? If so, this is an indication that you have the power of extra sensory perception known as precognition. Also referred to as future sight, precognition can come in many forms, although the most common way to glimpse into the future happens while we are sleeping. These are known as precognitive dreams.

Precognitive dream experts firmly believe that the feeling of déjà vu (literally translated to “already seen”) comes as a direct result of these psychic dreams. The source of this “I have already been here or seen this” sensation could come from the ESP you had in one of your past dreams. Even if you do not clearly remember or recall your precognitive dream (imagine how many dreams we have a night), do not dismiss the feeling of déjà vu as being weird or silly. There could be a vital message for you hidden in this experience. If you can make a connection between a current event and one from a past dream, this term is called deja reve (translates to “already dream”). Interestingly, the majority of people who have had this sense of deja reve claim to have immediately gotten goose bumps.

The first historical documentation of a precognitive dream is found on a series of six tablets from Babylonian times. A Sumarian poem entitled ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ depicts the main character Gilgamesh as having a powerful dream in which he predicts the arrival of 2 important guests who show up in the following tablets.

Famous research scientists from the 20th century including J.W. Dunne, Arthur Funkhouser and Nancy Sondow tirelessly gathered information on precognitive dreams. Studies of dreamers conducted from the 1930’s on have found that between 10 and 12 percent of these subject’s dreams directly related to future events. These researchers also tied evidence of precognitive dreams to déjà vu experiences that occurred anywhere from one day to eight years later.

Scenes, events and situations in these precognitive dreams can induce an extremely emotional response. Predicting natural or manmade disasters while in a dream can be very frightening and can even prompt a temporary bout of panic or anxiety after waking. On the other hand, an intensely lovely or sexual precognitive dream can leave the dreamer with a beautiful and positive feeling upon waking.

Unfortunately, the only way to know if you had a regular dream or nightmare versus a precognitive dream is to wait and see if the dream comes true. Patience truly is the key to understanding which dreams were omens for your own or someone else’s future.

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