3 Signs Your Family Isn't Spending Enough Time Together

With the way life is today and how busy we have become, it is understandable that we lack time with our immediate family members. Whether you have babies or teenagers, you probably know that spending time together does not always happen the way you would like it to and without distraction. It is extremely important for families to spend time together during the course of their busy weeks, even if it is re-connecting for a short while before hectic schedules resume.
There are a variety of ways you can spend more time together such as planned dinners, family game nights, outdoor activities, family vacations and sporting events. First, let’s take a look at whether your family is lacking time together. You can usually see the signs of a family that has lost touch with each other.
It is important to understand that every family encounters this once in awhile because of the intense demands of today. There are many ways you can get back on track and become more in tune with each other on a daily basis.
There Are No Hello And Goodbye’s Anymore
When a family is busy throughout the week it is easy to run out of the house without saying goodbye or to walk into the house after a long day at work or at school and forget to say hello. While this can happen to any family, it is important to discuss the value of checking in with each other every day. It is a great way to keep track of moods, how others are generally feeling and it is a solid practice of good old fashioned manners.
No One Knows What Is Going On
If your family members are constantly forgetting important dates, school events, doctor’s appointments and day-to-day events, this is a big sign that there is no communication going on throughout the family unit. This is where a rather large calendar comes in handy. If your family has lost track of the families movements and actions throughout the week, hold a family meeting and express the importance of each one. Do not allow it to get any more out of hand and get everyone back on track immediately. Structure is very helpful when it comes to having a healthy loving family.
Communication Has Dropped
If you have noticed a sudden drop in communication between family members, it is important to work on this immediately. When you ask questions and are constantly given a grunt or a complaint, or if you are even ignored, this is a great cause for concern. A healthy family is one that communicates on all types of levels, from saying hello in the morning to having long much-needed conversations. The best way to re-establish the communication is to get everyone together and out of the house. Go outdoors and enjoy time away from distractions such as TVs, video games, phones, laptops and various other gadgets.
It is never easy to get everyone on board with the idea of becoming closer and spending more time as a family, but the more effort everyone puts in will help the family keep united. Keep the lines of communication open, spend time away from distracting screens and gadgets and have some natural family fun time together.