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5 Tips For Successful Step-Parenting

5 Tips For Successful Step-Parenting

Step-parenting isn't as easy as it sounds or looks and for some individuals taking on new responsibility or knowing how to discipline and parent may be quite stressful. If you are lucky and already get olong with your partner's children, then you are one step ahead. The fact that they already know and connect with you offers you a lot of room to work with as a new step-parent.

Being a step-parent is much more than just another name for you in the current family unit. When you become a guardian to your partner's kids, you become much more of an important factor in their lives. They may be with you every day, two days a week or may be with you on weekends. Regardless of the time they spend with you, you are an influence.

If you have recently married and the kids seem to be just as happy as they were before, you are even in a better place than most step-parents that haven't had much time to get to know the kids. If you want to know some helpful tips for successful step-parenting, here are 5 below to get you started on a healthier path.

Show Interest In Their Activities

A fabulous way to bond with your step kids is to show your interest in some of the activities they enjoy or partake in during the weekdays. Unfortunately, some kids are ignored in their families and parents can become too busy to take notice of their current interests, likes and dislikes. The longer children are ignored, the sooner they may fall into trouble. As a step-parent you can be involved and show interest right from the very start, adding more support to a child's growth and development.

Listen To Their Needs

When kids talk about general topics like school, friends and daily life, listen actively. They may be trying to tell you something, but may not know how to tell you directly. Just because you are labeled a step-parent does not limit you to how much you should listen. A child might be trying to tell you they are bullied at school, that they are lonely and want to make new friends or that they aren't doing well at school and need some tutoring. Listen to their comments and hear what they are really trying to tell you.

Be A Solid Example

When you become a step-parent you take on much more responsibility. It isn't a smart idea to act reckless or irresponsible in front of children. If you have vices, such as smoking or drinking, try to keep them away from the children. Be a strong example of what an adult should be like. Be respectful, own up to your mistakes and perform actions out of kindness. Kids really do see everything parents and step-parents do and may follow the same lead.

Portray An Air Of Confidence

Kids can sense moods and feelings more genuinely than adults can. They pick up on low self-esteem and negativity. When you are around your step-kids it is a good idea to show them how confident you feel about yourself, your life and your daily experiences. Even if you do not always feel that way and though it is great to be realistic, when you feel good, take the opportunity to express your positivity. When kids are around positive people, they pick up the vibe and carry that mood with them. All kids truly want is to be in a happy, stable and safe environment.

Be There For Them

Try to be there for your step-kids whenever you can be. This doesn't mean forcing your way into their lives and invading their personal space. Let them come to you and get close to you when they want to. When they want to talk or share something with you, be there and actively listen. Kids like to be around people they can turn to and trust. Just being there for them can be as simple as just spending quality time together.

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