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5 Daily Tips For Self-Love

5 Daily Tips For Self-Love

We live in a modern world full of stressful situations and obligations. It can be easy to get lost in the mix. Daily check-ins with your mental, physical, and spiritual health is necessary to keep up while appreciating yourself and your accomplishments both big and small. With these five simple tips for your self-love routine, you will be well on your way to embracing a more affectionate and compassionate you—a you that is better equipped to face the world head-on.

Begin Your Day With Love, Not Tech

Let’s admit it; you most likely begin our day scrolling on our phone catching up on friends’ social media posts or the newest gossip from the news columns. It’s okay, this is the new normal, but this might be what gets your day started in a funk. Instead of reaching for your phone the first thing in the morning, try reading a book, practicing yoga, or journaling your dreams. Taking the extra time for yourself will prioritize your mood over all else that may be going on, and this will set a better tone to your day.

2. Let Go of Control and Learn To Surrender

There are a lot of control freaks out there, but this actually may be an attempt to gain comfort in a world that is ever changing and not very stable. First, be patient and forgiving with yourself in the process of letting go—but know that it is necessary to the let go of the things you cannot change. Dwelling on the details or missed opportunities is not healthy for your mental or spiritual wellbeing. The moment you realize things are not always under your control, you’ll understand everything is not always your fault. Being free from that burden will allow more positive energy for yourself.

3. Take Time For Meditative Activities

The more time you give to your thoughts, the more positively you’ll view yourself. It is clinically proven that delegating substantial time to focus inward will improve your mood both in the moment and also your overall sense of wellbeing. This is also a useful tool if you are experiencing a particularly stressful situation and need to step away to center yourself.

4. Imagine and Create

Imagine a life in which you are entirely in love with yourself. What does that look like? How do you feel? What are you able to accomplish that you currently cannot? Sit in this world for a while—affirm yourself, your abilities, and your passions. With these beautiful qualities in mind, create a mantra for yourself that you repeat throughout your day. This can be as simple as “I am worthy of love” or “I deserve good things”. With this constant reminder of your worth, it will be an easy task to fall back in love with yourself.

5. Reward Yourself Because You Deserve It

Despite any self-care routine, you will always need a little break from life. View this as a part of your process of self-love. Reward yourself with time to do the things that bring you back to yourself. Whether that is a day off of work, a trip abroad, a bike ride, or a new splurge—you deserve the time and consideration to refuel. You know you best, so listen to your needs without any withholding.

What if the most important decision you could make in your life was to love and accept yourself? Daily self-love may seem like a simple task, but it takes practice, intention, and care to maintain. However, the decision to commit to yourself and your happiness will only strengthen your relationships, your career, your present, and your future!

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