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5 Ways to Avoid Drama

5 Ways to Avoid Drama

When you are trying to keep your life on an even keel, drama can seem like your absolute worst enemy. Conflict and confusion can be contagious and can disrupt the flow of your otherwise stable life, even to the point where you become an unstable person. But what can be done to combat the distracting sources of drama in your life? Here are the top 5 ways to avoid all of the crazy drama that tries to interfere with your mental health and well-being.

1. Set Goals and Stick to Them

When you are certain about what you would like to accomplish in life, it is harder to get swept up in the drama of others. Setting goals can keep you on track and help you feel more centered in your daily life. Knowing exactly what you want in your future will essentially create blinders to the instability around you and it will shield you from the tornadoes of emotions swirling around you.

2. Identify the Main Source

We have all had that person in our life that constantly has drama. It can be really hard to dismiss this source of distress, particularly if they are someone you love such as a friend, family member or significant other. However, identifying who this person is can help you gain perspective on whether or not you should take all of their complaints seriously. Instead of letting them upset you all the time, realize this is part of their nature and do not let them win influence over you with their out-of-control feelings.

3. Examine what you are doing to Create Drama

Anxiety and stress can make anybody become more dramatic than normal. Perhaps you tend to overreact to criticism or critiques from your boss, or maybe you feel like you are not good looking enough or you become jealous when your lover shows someone else attention. Take careful note of what it is that sets you off. This trigger will be easier to deal with if you are fully aware of what it is that decreases your happiness.

4. Do Not Rush to Conclusions

When drama takes hold of you, it is easy to jump to conclusions which may not be true. This is a result of thoughts and emotions getting blown out of proportion. Try not to assume the worst in others or get too drawn into upsetting situations before knowing all of the facts.

5. Set Aside Me Time

Even the most outgoing and social people occasionally need alone time. Do not be afraid to schedule your own time to take a walk, watch your favorite movie, shop, read a book or exercise. Alone time can clear your head and recharge your batteries so you can deal with drama in a healthier way when you encounter it. Even it if seems like you are too busy for me time, take 20 minutes at least once a week and you will find that you will be more productive and focused during the rest of the week.

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