Balancing Your Spiritual Energy

Much like a minor illness, or an argument with a friend can leave us feeling off kilter and out of place for days or weeks on end, imbalances in your spiritual energy can leave you feeling out of sorts, even when you can’t quite put your finger on what’s wrong. Exploring ways to balance and ground your spiritual energy will help you live a positive and healthful life.
It is quite possible that the ailments that plague you in your daily life have their roots deep in your spiritual energy, which is your connection to the Universe. If that connection becomes disrupted, then blockages can occur throughout all aspects of your life and manifest themselves in surprising ways. While you would want to see a medical doctor for many conditions, there are steps you can take at home to keep your spiritual energy flowing to your benefit.
Reconnect with the World—When your anxiety and stress comes from a place of feeling disconnected, take time to reconnect with the Earth—literally. Find a safe place and lay in the grass. Pay attention to the way the Earth supports you and the weight of your body as it relaxes. If that doesn’t interest you, find the way that you like to interact with the outdoors and get out there and do it.
Create a Ritual—Religious and cultural rituals are used to reconnect us with the past and create a foundation for the future. These benefits also extend to the daily rituals that we create for ourselves. Take the time to examine your daily rituals that you have unintentionally created for yourself. Is there a way that you could change it to make it more intentional and spiritually nourishing? By adding an intentional ritual to your day, you will have a touchstone to return to when you begin to feel disconnected or at loose ends.
Nourish Your Soul and Body—Your diet plays a key role in how well your body, mind and spirit function. None of these can operate at their peak if they aren’t fed with nourishing foods. Try your best to eat a well balanced diet with minimally processed foods and an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Not only will this help your body function in a more healthy way, consuming foods that are close to their natural state will strengthen your connection to the world around you.
Cleanse Yourself—Cleansing yourself and your environment on a regular basis will help you maintain strong connections to your mind, body and self. It’s important to do this in order to wash away negativity that collects and lingers. One way that we wash our body and aura is through a shower. Make sure that you get the maximum benefits and add a short visualization to the end of your routine. Picture the dirt and negativity flowing off your body and from your heart and down the drain. Visualize yourself being washed clean by the refreshing water.
By taking the time to ground and balance your spiritual energy, you will find unexpected benefits reaching into all areas of your life. You might find that your chronic fatigue clears, or that you’re no longer picking petty fights with your significant other, or that you can now notice the beauty of life that surrounds you.