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Cleansing Your Home of Negative Energy

Cleansing Your Home of Negative Energy

While many people focus on washing the windows, laundering the curtains and updating the paint during their annual spring-cleaning efforts, even more fail to take their spring-cleaning to a spiritual level. By cleansing your home of negative energy, you are telling the universe that your home is your sanctuary and is to be filled with love and light.

Whether everyone has finally succumbed to stir-crazy from being cooped up in winter, or you can’t quite shake that bug that’s been making its rounds since the fall, cleansing your home of negative energy is a wonderful and proactive way to start fresh this spring. There are many different methods to cleanse your home of negative energy. Choose what works best for you, your space and your family. The most important aspect of the cleansing is your intention. By starting with a strong intention and a firm belief in what you’re doing, you’ll notice incredible results.

Cleansing the Clutter—Everything in your home absorbs spiritual energy and imparts energy to the environment that surrounds you. By taking the time to cleanse the clutter in your life, you’ll reduce the psychic chatter and leave yourself with only the most important items that you find useful or beautiful. Don’t let the vibrations of your home become cluttered with energy from too many items that you don’t find beneficial.

Make It Shine—Your home is a reflection of your inner life. If you’ve found that you’ve been losing your patience more than you’d like, or that your partner is always on edge, take the time to look around your home. Is the clutter piling up in the corners? Are the dishes piled in the sink with dust bunnies in every corner? Once you’ve cleared the clutter, it’s time to use some elbow grease to make it shine.

Sacred Smudging—Open up all the windows and embrace the sacred practice of smudging. Light a bunch of sage and walk through each room of your house. The smoke will rid the space of negative energies. Move the sage in a circular motion and go through your house in a circular way too. If you go clockwise, focus on bringing light and love into the house: if you move counter-clockwise, focus on ridding the home of darkness and other impurities. Be sure to get each of the corners and in all the closets too. With all this effort that you’ve put into it, you want to make sure that you don’t miss a spot! To increase the effectiveness of the smudging, you may want to chant your favorite prayer of protection.

Sweep Away Negativity—Once your house has been rid of clutter, polished to perfection and smudged with sage, it’s time to sweep out what remains of the negative influences. Using a broom sweep all the doorways, making sure that you don’t sweep debris into the house. Be sure to sweep the outdoor walkways that lead to the door.

Protect Your Home—As the final step in the cleansing process, you want to protect your home from negative energies in the future. You can do this by lining all the entrances, such as windowsills and doorways, with a line of salt. Salt is used for purification and will prevent negative energies from entering your house, or will diffuse them for when you can’t avoid inviting that Negative Nancy into your home.

These steps will guide you when you need to do a serious spiritual cleansing of your space. For best results, it should be done at least once a year, or after a major fight, illness or time of difficulty. And don’t forget, you should always do a spiritual cleansing before you move into a new home to help prepare the space for you and your family.

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