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Health Wellness Articles

De-Stress by Simplifying Your Life

De-Stress by Simplifying Your Life

Modern life is full of pressure and stress that you seemingly can’t escape. But all this pressure and stress adds up to a shockingly unhealthy end. While there are many activities that can help you handle the stress in your life and help keep you calm, you can also simplify your life to reduce stress and increase happiness.

By eliminating both mental and physical clutter from your life, you are better able to focus on the elements of your life that require the most attention. By eliminating the small and unnecessary elements, you won’t have any small stuff to sweat and can direct your energy to the things that really matter the most.

Start with the physical clutter in your life. If you’re anything like everyone else that you know, your house is filled to the brim with gifts, purchases and items that you save “just in case”. By getting rid of the items that you don’t use and that don’t bring you joy; you can eliminate a shocking amount of stuff from your house. But don’t just stop with the small items. Take a look at your furniture and the big items in your life. Does it make you comfortable? Does it make you happy? Do you think it’s beautiful? If the answer is no, you know what to do and get rid of it.

Once you’ve tackled the physical clutter in your life it’s time to get organized and come up with a system that works for you. Keep in mind that old saying of your mom’s: a place for everything and everything in its place. By getting organized and keeping everything in its place, you won’t waste time searching for things and you’ll be in a better position to judge what you really need when you’re out shopping.

After you simplify and organize your home and workspace, it’s time to get to the real work of simplifying your life. This is the really hard part and you have to learn how to say no and make hard decisions. Do you really want to spend your spare time running around from commitment to commitment without having the time or energy to give any one activity your full attention? Look at your calendar and determine which events are essential and which are optional. Don’t be afraid to say no and simplify your calendar. This will lead to unprecedented amounts of this elusive thing called free time that will allow you to pursue a hobby or just spend a quiet moment with your family.

By making the commitment to simplify your life, you are committing to your health and wellness. As you eliminate the clutter and unnecessary commitments from your life, you are freeing up space for your health and happiness to come flooding in. Not only will you find that you stress less, you will find that you have more energy to focus on the things in your life that bring you joy.

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