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Health Wellness Articles

Discovering Joy In Your Life

Discovering Joy In Your Life

Whether you’ve suffered a devastating loss or are pulling yourself out of a pit of sadness and complacency, it’s vital to your health and wellness that you discover joy in your life. By reconnecting with the things that bring you joy and finding new sources of joy, you can in start a chain reaction of good tidings in your life.

You shouldn’t dismiss happiness and joy as unnecessary emotions in your life, instead, seek it out and treat it as a critical aspect of your comprehensive health and wellness. All the stress, sadness and anger that you experience creates a physical reaction in your body that can manifest itself in a number of ways including insomnia, fatigue, weight gain and a suppressed immune system. And finding joy in your life and outlets to pursue your happiness can help combat these physical manifestations of stress.

While you understand that it’s important to find joy in your life, there may be times when circumstances conspire to make it very hard to find. Those are the moments when it is most important to stay connected with what makes you happy so you can hold tight to the thread of happiness as you go through difficult times. If you need some ideas, try these tips for discovering joy in your life:


A journal may serve as an incredibly useful tool for catharsis and help remind you of the blessings that are in your life. Use it as a way to record the small moments of happiness and joy as you find them in your day. Did you have an exceptional cup of coffee or did you get to see a beautiful sunset? Whatever your small moment of joy was, write it down and you can always return to it when you need it.

Return to Childhood

What did you love to do as a child? Were you always running after a soccer ball or did you live for dance class? Take a cue from your childhood and pursue the activities you loved as a kid. Adult recreational team sports are popular, and there are even adult coloring books designed to help you unwind and connect with an activity that you may have loved in your past.

Serve Others

Share your time and talents with others who are in need by engaging in community service that speaks to your passions. This act can help you emerge from your shell of sadness and give you some perspective on your circumstances. Also, helping others has been proven to generate good feelings and a ripple effect of happiness and satisfaction.

Reach Out to Connect

There is something very powerful that happens when you connect with someone else and that tide of joy can help carry you through life’s many challenges. When you’re having trouble finding the joy in your life, reach out and ask a friend for help. It can be as simple as asking an old friend out to a movie or for a walk around your favorite park. Simply sharing activities that bring you joy can help increase the pleasure you get from the activity.

Throughout your life, you will encounter many hardships and difficulties that may make it hard for you to see the joy and happiness in your life. By finding joy in your life and staying connected to your happiness, you may find that you are able to recover from challenging times with your heart and health intact.

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