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Health Wellness Articles

Hate to Exercise? Try This Instead!

Hate to Exercise? Try This Instead!

Regular exercise is the cornerstone of lasting health and wellness. We all know this and countless studies have shown us just how important it is to incorporate regular exercise into your daily life. But while many of us know and understand the benefits, we find it difficult, if not impossible, to do it.

One problem is that many people don’t like to exercise. Maybe it hurts or makes you sweat, or you don’t have time, no matter what the excuse, many people have made up their minds that they hate to exercise! However, what happens when you hate to work out but decide that you need to make this important change for your health and wellness?

The good news is that there are ways that you can overcome your aversion to exercise. While you may never love to work out, some strategies will help it become a less loathsome part of your day. Who knows, you may find out that one day you look forward to it!

Just Get Started

Don’t wait until you can afford the best equipment or are strong enough to have perfect form. Get started today with the equipment you have available to you! If ten pushups are too much, do five. If you can’t run, try a walk around the block. You might be surprised at how quickly your body responds to the challenge.

Lower Your Expectations

Don’t let yourself be intimidated by fitness buffs, Olympic athletes or social media stars that document every workout along the way. If you focus on the abilities of professional athletes or fitness instructors, you may feel defeated before you ever start. Shift your focus to yourself and the improvements you experience—be sure to celebrate the first time you make a new personal record, even if it’s that you walked around the block, did a push-up with perfect form or ran without walking for three minutes. Make every effort count!

Stay Committed

Whenever you’re trying to break a habit or create a new one, you must stay committed. Stick to your schedule without fail and soon exercising will become another habit, much like brushing and flossing your teeth. While those may not be the most exciting habits, they are very rewarding to your health and wellness.

Have Fun & Try New Things

Does the thought of packing a gym bag and finding time to drive to the gym and back make you break out in a cold sweat of despair? No rule says a workout has to take place in a gym for it to count as exercise. Whether you do workout videos in the air-conditioned comfort of your home or take to local parks, there are lots of options outside of the gym.

Whether you are motivated by health concerns or want to become stronger, there is no reason to let your aversion to exercise stand in the way between you and your wellness.

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