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How to Get Comfortable Doing Things Alone

How to Get Comfortable Doing Things Alone

There is an apparent social fear of being alone. However, have you ever wondered what it might feel like to go to a movie, a restaurant, or vacation alone? There is great spiritual value in learning the art of solitude—you will understand that being alone and loneliness are two entirely different things. Create the trust that you have in other people within yourself. Learning to embrace an unadulterated version of who we are might be what you need on your journey. So, how do we know how to be good at being alone? What does it take to take the loneliness out of solitude? Read on to shift your perception of going solo to liberate your alone time!

There Are No Rules

Sometimes we adhere to specific social rules when we are in groups. For instance, we might be paying attention to being polite or agreeable. Whether we are conscious of these rules or not, they are almost always at play while interacting with others. When we are alone, these rules no longer guide us—this can open us up to very freeing and transformative experiences free from these social roadblocks. Lean into the possibilities and meet new versions of yourself that are not ruled by social conventions.

People Don't Think It's Weird

We care about what other people think—this is perfectly normal. However, for some, this can directly relate to how they act and how they think. Next time you are alone in public, remember that people are not as judgmental as you might first believe. The sooner you give up on the anxiety around other people's opinions; you will feel freer. The time you spend alone is meant to connect you to yourself, not stress about how other people may perceive you.

You Will Be More Productive

The fewer distractions, the better. The more people you bring into the mix, the more chances of becoming distracted. When you are alone with your thoughts, you will learn to tune in and focus a lot more efficiently. When you are more productive and completing your tasks and goals, your confidence moving forward will only benefit you. Learn to value and pay attention to your ideas, feelings, and thoughts without all of the noise.

It Will Improve Your Relationships

When we embrace ourselves in our solitude, we can better serve all of our relationships. Spending significant time alone establishes a better sense of self—we learn to meet ourselves in ways we cannot when around other people. You will realize that alone time does not equate to loneliness because you only strengthen yourself and your ability to be a better friend and partner.

Being alone or doing things alone is not as frightening as it may sound. So take a leap of faith and book a solo vacation or take a spontaneous trip to the movies. Yin must have yang, so believe in the power of solitude to shape you into a greater version of yourself for your loved ones!

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