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Health Wellness Articles

Moving Towards Mindfulness

Moving Towards Mindfulness

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally,” writes Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. By embracing the idea of mindfulness, you’ll be able to move towards living a richer life. By reserving judgment and consciously paying attention to the present moment, you will discover many benefits.

The Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness:

Learn to Pay Close Attention —By paying attention to small moments in your life, you will exercise your mind and increase your powers of observation. Certain mindfulness exercises will help you notice quiet moments that abound in your day. From the unexpected view of the sunset to the subtle emotions of others, practicing mindfulness will help you to closely observe all the areas of your life.

Uncover Connections—Once you start paying closer attention to how you experience the world, the unseen connections that tie the world together will become more apparent. Have you ever bought a shiny new green car and after you drive off the lot it seems that every other car on the road is the same green color? The green cars were there all along, but now that you are paying attention, you have uncovered a connection to people who pass by you in your daily life.

See the Big Picture—Once you pay attention to the little details and discover unexpected connections, the big picture of your life will begin to emerge. By examining the big picture of your life, you’ll be in a better position to determine whether it’s wise to stay the course or to change directions.

Techniques to Practicing Mindfulness:

  • Take time to focus on all the details in an everyday ritual. Whether it’s shaving in the morning, making coffee or doing the dishes, take a moment to really concentrate on what you are doing. Examine your actions, the smells that surround you and different textures that you encounter. Any time that you find your mind wandering to the upcoming meeting or other items on your must-do list, gently redirect your thoughts back to the task at hand.
  • Shut down the distractions and give yourself over to the present moment. Turn off the TV and phones during dinner to focus on the meal being served and the family that surrounds you. Take the time to really taste the food. Share the details of your day and revel in the familial ambiance that nourishes your life.
  • Be aware of your breath. Deep breathing isn’t required in order to focus on the sound of your breath. Note the temperature of the air as in enters or exits your body and how good your body feels as it fills with fresh oxygen. While it is nice to set aside time to totally focus on your breathing, focusing on your breath can be done in small moments as you go about your day.

Committing yourself to the practice of mindfulness is an exercise for your brain that will help keep you young and healthy well into the advanced years of your life. Additionally, practicing mindfulness will help you become a witness to your own life.

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