Staying Positive While Sick

Let’s face it. No matter what precautions we take or how healthy our lifestyle may be, no one is healthy one hundred percent of the time. So, what can be done to stay positive while we battle sickness from our bodies?
We have all been there. Piles of wadded up tissues, a puddle of sweat, a lingering cough and a fever so high it gives you the spins. Although it may seem like the world is coming to an end when we fall ill, in reality, most of the time this is a very temporary affliction in the grand scheme of life.
Yes, it can be gross and extremely exhausting to come down with a head cold or with the flu, but believe it or not, this time can be used wisely and can even become a positive experience. Perhaps you are normally very independent and you have a hard time asking others for help in your daily life. This is the perfect time for those who love you to show you how much they care.
Whether an old friend brings you some chicken noodle soup, a spouse fluffs your pillows for you or a relative calls to check up on you, just knowing that there are others who care about your well-being is a fantastic thing to realize. And, if they offer and are willing to help you (even if you won’t let them) this is a great and uplifting gesture to acknowledge when you are not feeling well.
Since being sick means a lot of down time and rest, why not catch up on all those movies you have been missing, or read that biography you never have time for? Being forced to stay dormant and still can be a beneficial move for those who are constantly on the go. Running errands, work, cleaning and exercising can be very time consuming and may not leave you with a lot of free time in your daily routine. Even though your nose may be stuffed up, take this time to stop and smell the roses.
Additionally, being sick will help you to appreciate your usual level of health. You know the sense of relief you get when your ears pop after an ear infection or the first meal you are able to keep down after a long battle with a stomach virus? Take a minute to be grateful for the way in which your body normally functions and this will increase your awareness of the good health you normally get to enjoy.
Lastly, be sure to focus on the positive things you can do when you get well again. Think about that hike you are going to take, that hobby you have been neglecting or the person you want to reconnect with when you get well. This will lift up your spirit and give you a good reason to be optimistic about a speedy recovery from sickness.