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Health Wellness Articles

The Art of Giving and the Art of Happiness

The Art of Giving and the Art of Happiness

Acquiring the perfect gift can sometimes be a tall order, whether for a special occasion or a simple act of kindness. Often the nature of our holidays and other yearly celebrations puts a great deal of pressure on the act of selecting or making a gift that the receiver will love and never forget. Don’t be ashamed—it is okay to feel a bit anxious over this process. However, you will learn to appreciate the practice of gifting more once you realize strong psychological and spiritual links between our happiness and the act of giving to others.

Objects that can be wrapped up in a bow are not the only acceptable forms of giving or gifting—donating or volunteering are also very valid forms. Find out exactly how the practice of giving and gifting are linked to your happiness and the happiness of your entire community!

Giving Teaches Us About Gratitude

When gifting or receiving a gift—there are natural feelings of profound gratitude. Top researchers suggest that cultivating gratitude in your daily life directly links to our level of happiness. When you make the intention to “count your blessings” or arouse gratitude in others through your intention and generosity, you are more likely to practice self-care, be positive and optimistic, and in turn make sound decisions to manifest success. Through acts of gratitude, you reinforce the positivity in your life, which boosts happiness and strengthens bonds between you and your community.

Giving Gives Us Purpose

We are social creatures. There is without a doubt a solid impulse to make and maintain social bonds with those around us. In nature, all elements are in a symbiotic relationship to keep harmony and balance. Our relationships should symbolize the same connections and parallels. The more you give, the more you get—the act of giving is as ancient as time itself and is an essential part of how we communicate and grow as a community.

Giving is Contagious

You may have heard of the term “pay it forward” before, which is not without good reason. Our actions, for better or for worse, cause a ripple effect outward. Once a profound act of generosity touches you, you will feel inspired to continue the positive vibration by gifting or giving to others. Scientists have proven that the act of giving releases a chemical called ‘oxytocin’ in our brains. This chemical is directly responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria—it's science!

Purchasing gifts for a holiday or birthday, volunteering your time for a charity event, or donating items for a good cause—these are all some of the unique and thoughtful ways of giving for your community. Next time you exercise your generosity, be sure to reflect on how this act will ripple onward and continue to inspire kindness and love within your community and beyond!

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