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Walk for Your Health

Walk for Your Health

We’ve all had the mornings when we woke up late, spilled a new gallon of milk as we poured our bowl of cereal and the day only went downhill from there. Once we get the day off to a difficult start, it can be hard to get back on track. Whether we wake up rested or in a blue funk, we all spend our waking hours being pulled from one responsibility to the next. Between taking the time to advance your career and caring for your family, it can seem next to impossible to find time for yourself.

When your days become filled with obligations, it becomes more important than ever to take some time to dedicate to your wellness. It is a well-understood fact that daily exercise releases soul-enriching endorphins that relieve stress and put your mind at ease. However, in the middle of the day, finding the balance between finding time for yourself and meeting your commitments can seem like a daunting task. By setting aside a small amount of time for yourself, you are taking the first step towards your wellness.

While some people are born athletes, most of us struggle to find a physical activity that is respectful of our limitations. A daily walk is a perfect way to enjoy the benefits of exercise without costly gym memberships, intimidating equipment or a huge amount of time that you probably don’t have.

Starting Small for a Big Impact—We all know that Rome wasn’t built in a day and you won’t be up to speed on your first walk. Whether you just walk to the end of your driveway or half a mile down the road, your journey to wellness begins with a desire for change and a single step. In the time that it takes you to watch your favorite sitcom or grab a snack from the vending machine, you can start working towards your goal of walking twenty minutes a day. With each passing day you may walk a little farther, a little faster or just get out and enjoy the weather of the passing seasons. Whether you are working to better your time or to just reconnect with yourself, a daily walk lasting twenty minutes will be enough to show you results.

Enhancing Body Awareness—By working to meet your goal of walking twenty minutes a day, you will mentally check in with the many systems of your body. Don’t forget to scan your muscles as you start your walk. Ask yourself how your body is working today as you check for unexpected twinges or increased flexibility. In addition to listening to what your muscles and joints are telling you, pay attention to the quality of your breath. Your daily walk is a great time to practice deep breathing. Start with a deep inhale that fills your lungs and slowly control your exhale. Practicing your breathing will give your body the oxygen it needs to perform and it will also help by quieting your racing mind.

Discovering the Joy of Exploration—From subtle brick detailing on a house to the progression of an amaryllis breaking into a spring blossom, you awareness of your neighborhood will grow with each passing walk. As you move from a passive observer to an active and curious walker, your daily excursions will become enriched with novel sights.

While a daily walk requires determination and commitment, it doesn’t require a hefty price tag, a huge chunk of time or superior athleticism. By taking twenty minutes that you may have otherwise squandered, you are taking the time to do something truly beneficial for your mental and physical health. Whether your blood pressure drops, you lose those last five pounds or your sadness fades, you will find that the unexpected benefits of a daily walk increases along with your endurance.

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