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What is Reiki Healing?

What is Reiki Healing?

Essentially, Reiki healing is using energy, aka chi, to heal another persons’ body. It is done without touching, as chi is channeled and directed through the air. The goal of Reiki is to provide the most inner harmony, wellness and wellbeing possible through a focused and healing energy transferred from one person to another.

The historical martial art known as Tai Chi is the basis for Reiki healing, as it is a harnessing of their own inner energy as a gentle means of healing the body. This is achieved through concentration and specific movements and breath control.

Similarly, the ancient art of chi-gong has been practiced by people in some Asian nations for centuries. A ball of energy is created through these choreographed movements, which can then be harnessed and transmitted into another person.

Even though it began in the East, Reiki has been steadily gaining popularity in the West as it is a very peaceful and noninvasive form of healing treatment, which many people benefit from every day. Classes in basic Reiki, intensive courses to earn a Reiki Master certificate, as well as Tai Chi and Chi-Gong enrollments are all skyrocketing, due to its wide success.

The Chi and Chakra Connection

Traditionally, the Reiki practitioner gathers their chi into a ball of healing energy and directs it towards their hands, to you, in person. Slowly and methodically, they make passing movements and hold their open palms over your chakras. Their palms face you so the practitioner can feel any changes in the energy while moving from chakra to chakra.

You will lie perfectly still, horizontally, and you will allow yourself to be open and receptive to the healing ball of energy. In order for the energy to flow from them to you, you must become extremely relaxed, which is easy to do with the good energy surrounding you. Some people equate this with a massage with no physical contact and may even fall asleep during treatment.

Many people describe Reiki healing as a feeling of intense warmth or heat in one or more parts of their body. This hot sensation happens on the body parts or organs that are in need of the most repairs.

For instance, if you have had a knee injury, you may feel a warm or tingling sensation in that knee during your healing session. The Reiki Master will also feel similar warmth, which will indicate where the energy treatment needs to take place. In this sense, it is a fantastic diagnostic tool.

Long Distance Reiki Healing

Surprisingly, Reiki can be both performed and received through very long geographical distances. Since this form of healing requires no touching or examining, as Western medicine does, being in the same room together is not necessary for healing to occur.

Its healing properties and powers can be conveyed over the phone or through concentrated meditation during a synchronized period of time, even from very far away. This works incredibly well, because you and your Reiki Master and you will share a deep energy connection, which transcends miles and space.

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