Yoga and Connecting with Your Body

The moment a baby is born, everyone in the room holds their breath to hear that first cry that signals life in one squalling breath. From the doctors and nurses to the new parents, everyone is focused on that one breath. The awe-struck parents will often get lost just watching the baby’s belly rise and fall with each breath. As the baby becomes a child, we pay less and less attention to the breath and more to the actions of the growing child. As the child grows they focus on mastering new skills, rolling over, crawling, walking and eventually running headlong into the future.
In what seems like no time at all, the child is a grown adult facing many unexpected joys and a multitude of stressors. Often, the inhalations and exhalations that move us through the day are often thought of as a purely metabolic function with little connection to our well being. However, good breathing techniques have the ability to help you control your reaction to stress and maintain your calm in the face of life’s many events. Many people, doctors included, are now advocating yoga as a way to connect with your body for improved health.
Yoga is an ancient technique that originated in India, but is now practiced throughout the modern world. While different yoga traditions have its early roots in ancient religions, it is a way of connecting your mental state with your physical being. Being a centuries old practice, yoga is diverse, which makes it very accessible to people of all ages, abilities and religions. While the details of every branch of yoga are different, every yoga class starts and ends with the breath. It is your breath that allows you to connect the focus of your mind with the movement of your body.
How Yoga Helps You Connect with Your Body
Fosters Attentiveness—Your yoga practice is yours and yours alone. It’s a time to pay attention to your body and learn whether it wants to rest or be challenged. You will be encouraged to find the edge of the pose where it is up to you to listen to your body to discover if it’s a good day to hold still or challenge yourself.
Patience—Taking the time for yourself will help you find the energy needed to be patient with others as your day wears on. Drawing on new reserves of patience has the potential to help you move through your day with purpose without feelings of tension, guilt or wondering what you’re missing.
Focus—Each yoga class begins with a quiet focus on the breath and this focus is carried to the different poses. By centering your attention on your breath, you will sharpen your focus both in and out of the yoga studio. Yoga class is not the time for multitasking. Leave your cell phone and responsibilities at the door while you give your body and breath the full attention that it deserves. The world will be waiting for you after class.
Strength—Building your strength takes time. As your endurance and balance improves, you will discover that you have the strength and power to live an independent and purposeful life.
There are many times in life where we are just one of many and we are expected to push ourselves beyond our limits. Many times we have little control over the stressors in our life and this causes us to react in ways that strain the connection between our body and our mind. By exploring the connection between your mind and body during a yoga practice, you will learn how to use your breath to control your reactions to stress.