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Holiday Articles

Finding Gratitude with Your Friends and Family

Finding Gratitude with Your Friends and Family

As the days grow shorter, the air turns cooler and leaves turn from green to red, you realize that the holidays are fast approaching. Once the spooky decorations are put away, it is time to prepare for the all-American family holiday of Thanksgiving. You start to stock up on canned pumpkin, French-fried onions and cans of cranberry sauce to prepare for your Thanksgiving feast. However, the preparation for the holiday isn’t limited to work in the kitchen.

Thanksgiving is a day that we slow down, take comfort in the nourishing rituals of the day and turn our attention to the blessings in our life. The rituals of the day serve as a touchstone to the importance of family and friends. This allows us to take time to reflect and express our gratitude before the overwhelming hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

No matter what challenges that you have faced during the past year, this is the day to set it aside and embrace this meal that brings people together. In addition to the work in the kitchen, be sure to set aside time to put yourself in the right mindset before the big day. As you chop the veggies or brine the turkey, turn your heart towards looking for the good in your friends and family. Let that be your focus for the day. Let go of old resentments, disappointments and feelings of hurt and embrace the good that they bring to your life—at least for this one meal on one day of the year.

Everyone knows the old tradition of going around the table and telling everyone what you are thankful for this year. This is a simple and direct way to share your gratitude. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to find and share gratitude with your friends and family during the Thanksgiving meal. See how some of the creative gratitude exercises fit in with your holiday.

Incorporate Traditions from New Family Members—Joining a new family can be a daunting experience in the beginning. Make sure to welcome new members by asking what family traditions they cherish the most and make an effort to bring it to the table. This is a warm way to welcome a new family member and show your gratitude that they are able to join the celebration.

Toast Your Guests—Raise a glass of wine or juice to your guests and tell them why you are glad that they are at your table. Take a minute to recognize their accomplishments and tell them the value that they add to your life for all to hear.

Don’t Forget Your Sense of Humor—While it is a good thing to take time to meditate on the blessings in your life, don’t forget to lighten up and have some fun with it too. A good sense of humor is a blessing that will get you through many a family gathering. If it pains you to be sentimental, don’t be afraid to share something that makes you truly grateful, even if it’s a bit unexpected.

Whether you gather with everyone in your extended family or celebrate the day with a few close friends, Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday when we find gratitude and enjoy the company of our family and friends.

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